My problem

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The Trash
December 19th , 2009
Reaction score
Baku, Azerbaijan
Hello community. In the past 2 days i have got a problem while accessing the game. I am continuesly DCing from game by MuGuard not alwaus. And the rarely times i cannot press or choose server within game. I just press them and nothing happens . Like i push the mouse by air :happyy:. Does anyne till now get a such problem and if there's a possibilty , could anyone help me to solve it ? To avoid comments for Anti Virus problems , i exclaim that i have not got an Anti Virus and dont mind that the problem directly connects with AV.Nothing has changed btw, just turned off comp , and the next days i couldn't control my mouse. It works on other stuffs such as , when i click browser or playing CS for a while , yet when i join to game , cannot choose serber nor press anything . It happens rarely by luck , have no idea about the current issue. So i am here for a help , could anyone provide me so ways to solve it , and also help me via Team Viewer to fix it. Thanks in advance for all commnets and helps , waiting for an answer . Regards. :happyy:
Hello community. In the past 2 days i have got a problem while accessing the game. I am continuesly DCing from game by MuGuard not alwaus. And the rarely times i cannot press or choose server within game. I just press them and nothing happens . Like i push the mouse by air :happyy:. Does anyne till now get a such problem and if there's a possibilty , could anyone help me to solve it ? To avoid comments for Anti Virus problems , i exclaim that i have not got an Anti Virus and dont mind that the problem directly connects with AV.Nothing has changed btw, just turned off comp , and the next days i couldn't control my mouse. It works on other stuffs such as , when i click browser or playing CS for a while , yet when i join to game , cannot choose serber nor press anything . It happens rarely by luck , have no idea about the current issue. So i am here for a help , could anyone provide me so ways to solve it , and also help me via Team Viewer to fix it. Thanks in advance for all commnets and helps , waiting for an answer . Regards. :happyy:
Get on skype, i will have a look at it with Tviewer.
Reinstall infinity mu and reinstall modem drivers open the game without vpn services and update all drivers..
DC problems exists only when i start computer. After few times i cant click to choose servers and anything else. Nothing happens. Just clicking around. it is just a simple mouse. and it is not a problem of mouse because i can press to other things.
Reinstall infinity mu and reinstall modem drivers open the game without vpn services and update all drivers..
Its not that, the fix should be the following :
Right click main.exe>properties>compatibility>check the box in front of Disable display scaling on high DPI settings
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Good to know that it's fine now.

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