New [EVENTS] SUggestions for GM's

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New member
June 7th , 2011
Reaction score
Caracas, Vanezuela
can you make an event that will enhance our brains...

Mechanics: you need to find the FRUIT WORD on a sentence given.

for example...

Mary Clap Please!!!
answer is APPLE..
why.. mary clAP PLEase

or Find an ANIMAL WORD

OMG!!! i Forgot my Pen..... Guinny can i borrow yours????

answer= PENGUIN
Why? OMG!!! i Forgot my PEN...GUINny can i borrow yours???


just a suggestion... hope u like it...
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Thats too hard for the players i guess xD

Sometimes when i do Q and A , They complain when i give them a bit hard Question lawl xD

but still nice idea :P
I'll try it out. ;)
am.. i forgot.. that event was my idea when i become GM in other M.U .. then they are very happy coz.. they said....
they are tired of PK event.. . its fine if its hard coz the prizes will be GOOD.. ^^
btw thnx for the THANK!!!^^
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i do my event fairly.

i Do Hide and Seek or Q & A for Newbies.

and PK Events for Strong players.

coz newbies cant join PK events xD
Like your idea.

but much better rumble words instead of that : )

but, it is still good.
i know.. rumble words is just a nice too but this is much tricky.. and about the PK event...
Not all can join why??
3 out of 10 players will not join pk event even if they are STRONG because they don't have F.O ITEMS/SET...
and some of them wanna try tricky or mind enhancer event^^ and i have many events
to be suggest......
ow.. enhancising people's mind a very good suggestion ...

@Nova: i think its easy.. just make a sentence and people will answer will find some words but be sure first that put a category what is it (fruit,name,animal, etc.)
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