Hello guys, I'm starting to get bothered about this and I wasn't until now. I can't get this, maybe cuz I'm here from a long time and saw some changes on the server, but, I think this is bulls%it that you as a bk to get beaten so easy by a SM or a DL. Where is the balance in here, you as a bk invest a lot of time in developing a skill in pvping, combos, etc. And a dl comes and spams a single skill on you and most of the time you can't do s%it! Where are the times when all these things weren't possible. As a SM was good for support and not PVP against a BK!! I'm so mad about those changes, but maybe it's just me. Anyway guys I'd like something done but even there will be no changes (100%) I'mma still be here, playing. Have a nice day.