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August 21st , 2009
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Hello guys, I'm starting to get bothered about this and I wasn't until now. I can't get this, maybe cuz I'm here from a long time and saw some changes on the server, but, I think this is bulls%it that you as a bk to get beaten so easy by a SM or a DL. Where is the balance in here, you as a bk invest a lot of time in developing a skill in pvping, combos, etc. And a dl comes and spams a single skill on you and most of the time you can't do s%it! Where are the times when all these things weren't possible. As a SM was good for support and not PVP against a BK!! I'm so mad about those changes, but maybe it's just me. Anyway guys I'd like something done but even there will be no changes (100%) I'mma still be here, playing. Have a nice day.
well from what i experienced so far BK beats DL and SM on a fair fight...
BK only dies when its taken by surprise cause it wont have time to react on the pots...
I agree to Sir Lelouch. as a BK, i tend to be at what you are feeling right now. but as the game progress, i realize its just part of the game. can you imagine this game without DL's , Sm's, Elf's and Mg's? its not fun anymore without them right?? so i understand what you feel right now. But in the long term for you and this game? its gonna be a win-win situation. Dont forget to have fun all the time brother... : D peace..
I do agree you guys, there will be no game anymore without dl's, sm's and other. I support the continuity of this community regarding of chages. What I was trying to say was, some characters places switched.
The point is to give all classes a chance, BK and DL are durable, but SM and Elf die really fast, so they deal more damage. Don't think, that everyone enjoys playing BK only and that only BK has to be mastered. I've played SM for years and I just know that there still are things I haven't mastered. You can't be the strongest, there will always be someone better than you, deal with it.
I think all Chracter are balance, yea full SD SM can beat BK if the BK have low potrate, even all classes. but if the BK have atleast 5+ pot per sec, 20/80% chance for the SM to kill the BK with good set, same as elf, I think elf is the best in terms of dmg especially this update because they upgrade the ancient option of the set. For the MG, he can beat all class aswell. About the DL no doubt he can beat all class, but so far i know BK can dominate all SM, ELF, MG even DL. Its all about what set you are using, how to play your charater and if you have good potting rate. so far for me all good :grin:
It is impossible to bring Balance when all stats are 32767. In these stats BKs are dominating and DLs a little. But when you try to catch balance with playing set options, you can`t catch the balance, but destroy everything :-) Because when you do that, you never include buff things in it. Have fun, current pvp system of InfinityMU, is the worst system. Guess what, even worse than when BKs had 2mln HP.

P.S: Please better all leave his mind in Here
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Then what the hell are you still doing here? Basically all you do is cry about how everything is bad and how the server is being destroyed. The PvP system is at it's best point right now, it still can be better and it needs some tweaks, but it hasn't been better than it is now, all you, BK only fanatics can go saq your swords, other classes are joining the fight also. Stop crying, if you don't like something, nobody is holding you down to stay here, go away and stop ruining mood for others because you are captivated by negativity.

Off topic
Thanks Toby to clear posts what have to be cleaned. But this one had to be in 1st place but never mind. My friend Kronwell already learned few things and I hope he won`t try to mess with me once again, or else.

On topic:
If there is something imbalance on X or Y characters, or on all characters, we guys must share our opinions and help staff team to bring the best balance with help of us. Some players wants BKs get stronger, but in other topic we tried to discuss how can we reduce BK's power a bit. So, we must choose 1 topic and all have to write his opinion in there.

Sometimes a SM coming with 6 SD Rate parts and killing BK like a paper but that BK user just doesn`t get that if he use 2 SD Decrease sword, it will be end for SM. "Noo, my Uber LS is SD ignore and MY Uber Sacred Mace is Critical, I can`t replace my godlike swords" and here we go, SM eats you. If you don`t have that good pot rate, use 1 SD Dec sword with Shield and just do 1 successful combo to SM. There will always be complains on pvp, but at least when you start to complain, you must be sure that, you are 100% experienced player and you tested every possible way and the result is not good.
World does not turn around BK class. There is no such thing as best combination with best yellow options or the best class anymore. Every class can win or loose against any other class (probably MG still needs some buffing).

Not long ago some people complained that BK vs BK is too fast and they die very fast and they want the old fights from 100 years ago where bk vs bk took time to kill. Now that it happened it's not good anymore.
I am honestly bored of listening to cryers that complain about every thing and MORE they complain about things THEY wanted to happen. This is called hypocrisy.

This game is meant to be played with all classes and all classes have to be able to kill. Just because you died form a SM that does not mean SM is OP. Maybe you are weak. Ever thought about that?

If you have a suggestion i am willing to listen but make sure its well thought and well tested before proposing. If you plan to complain without providing facts, good arguments and you simply like to ask for attention then you came to the wrong place.

For now this thread is closed since it does not have any meaning nor it provided/will provide anything useful to anyone or anything.

P.S.: Use search button before posting. It's a common advice found in any possible forum in this world.
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