New Way Of Donation.

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Forum Hero
August 19th , 2013
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

I open this thread because I thought it would be great if we could donate with paysafe card. You can find this card in every super market and everybody can buy it even under age people will be able to donate with this way. This card contais 16 numbers.There are amounts 5-10-25-50-100 euros. Its easier and faster than the other ways.

For more infornation please check the official website of paysafe card but i cant post the link because my post count is less than 10

Thank you for your time. I am looking forward for your reply.
Its not only about your country. there are other countries too.

Could i please get a reply from someone responsible for this kind of things?
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maybe u have like that in ur country but how admin will get ur donation ? is it like credit card ?
if its like a credit card so admin must have like that too so he can get ur donations ..
if you have questions go check website but if you are not gm or administrator this is not your bussines so please dont spam here unless you are one of them who decide if this is going to be done or no
We are infinitians, our tag sux, but it doesn't mean that you can talk us in rude mode, we are not bullsh1ts, we're just trying to help in your fcking thread. If you don't want, simply do not post this.

Anyways, it is possible, as I've said.
lol how rude ? this is a suggestion / feedback area so i wanna give my opinion to ... dont act like a boss .. coz im giving my feedback for it and i didnt say any bad about ur suggestion ... and u said where spamming can u define the word spam ? where giving our opinions about ur fkin suggestion and u talk us with that kind of attitude
Misunderstood, it was for PROSK1LL, it's a bit little hard to understand, whatever it wasn't for you BossBalita!
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if you have questions go check website but if you are not gm or administrator this is not your bussines so please dont spam here unless you are one of them who decide if this is going to be done or no

Since its a Feedback and Suggestions thread, the infinitians are allowed to share their opinions, sure the final word is the Administrator's.
Also dont be such flamed, try to respect the other players, clearly visible u didnt read the Forum Rules, where it writes: Try to Respect!

This thread will be closed in this moment due flames between the players. When Resistant will check this thread, he will give his opinion if he will have time.

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