Hey guys, this is gonne be my general Mu history and especially in Infinity :winkk:
Well everything about MU started in an internet-cafe, when i was about 13-14 years old. The guy who was working there was actually young and interested in online games . We saw him playing something. We didn't know what was it, so we asked him. It was Mu, an old server that doesn't even exist nowadays. So that's how me and my friends started to play Mu. That Mu was really hard. We gained 1-5 levels per day, if we were lucky. That server wasn't online for long time and suddenly one day.. gone. I started looking for another server. I found a good one and there is where our real Mu experience began. The server was season one. We needed like 400 blesses and 400 souls to get a 3-4 opt set. But it was so much fun. Our favorite thing was War. Especially, war without sets&wings. That was because we didnt have more money to donate for F.O.. So we were pawning without sets. We firstly were in a Greek guild. Then we decided to create our own. Immortal was the guild with Guild Master, DRUGION. War without sets was continued until the server was updated to season 2. The every account was given 25k credits due to loss of items. We were kinda lucky because we had like 3-4 or more accounts. So that's when we got our first F.O. gears. That was the real own-age of our Immortal. I still remember those good times. Anyways, we left that server because we were bored of that. My friends were not playing Mu anymore. I searched for more servers. I found something but i got bored of it really fast.
That's when Infinity comes. At the same internet-cafe that i learned about Mu, I learned about InfinityMu. Some guys recommended me that server. So, when i went home i started the download. My first character couldn't be anyone else than DRUGION. I maxed my stats like in 1 week. In my second week i had my F.O. gear. The server was seem to be boring. But i continued to play. That's when the good times came. I had my own guild named Intifada. Suddenly in Devias Gate, RedRox asked my to join in DeathRow alliance. RedRox was a Cs maniac, i could say
. It was the period that there were just 3 alliances in Infinity. xVIPx, Faction and DeathRow. My first Cs was really awesome played by our alliance but unfortunately we didnt win. The next Cs wasn't that good, and RedRox asked me to break my guild and join to DeathRow. So that's when I became the AGM of DeathRow. Then I became friend with RedRox and we had some good times. After that he became inactive and that's the time that i created my Dark Lord, SlimSh4dy. I was leveling up when i saw a guild pking at arena. I asked to join that guild even if i wasn't max. The guild master accepted me and gave me a F.O. gear for free. I was and I still am loyal to that guild. GhettozZ <3. Warren aka Jouaren aka LordNite became one of my best friends in the game. The other person that I met in that guild was ChrisMD. 2 lil nuvs that i'll remember for long time. Due to some life "problems" warren became inactive. The reason was the birth of his little daughty. Well his inactivity was the reason that I created my own guild, ABNORMAL. It was hard in the begging but then it was really awesome. Then I met Krys(hit4death), giany(cooor, looker), cezar(snaky), cippy(Mr.Cippy) and much more awesome guys. Well after some time i had to leave the game cause of my studies in USA. I really had to pass my courses and my grade. Well i left the game and i was just in forums. Infinity was the greatest mu experience i ever had.
Well that was it.
The reason i created this thread is that i reached almost one year being part of this server. I don't remember the actual date but it was august, lol.
So, thnx friends and enemies for the good times
Sincerely, DRUGION.
Well everything about MU started in an internet-cafe, when i was about 13-14 years old. The guy who was working there was actually young and interested in online games . We saw him playing something. We didn't know what was it, so we asked him. It was Mu, an old server that doesn't even exist nowadays. So that's how me and my friends started to play Mu. That Mu was really hard. We gained 1-5 levels per day, if we were lucky. That server wasn't online for long time and suddenly one day.. gone. I started looking for another server. I found a good one and there is where our real Mu experience began. The server was season one. We needed like 400 blesses and 400 souls to get a 3-4 opt set. But it was so much fun. Our favorite thing was War. Especially, war without sets&wings. That was because we didnt have more money to donate for F.O.. So we were pawning without sets. We firstly were in a Greek guild. Then we decided to create our own. Immortal was the guild with Guild Master, DRUGION. War without sets was continued until the server was updated to season 2. The every account was given 25k credits due to loss of items. We were kinda lucky because we had like 3-4 or more accounts. So that's when we got our first F.O. gears. That was the real own-age of our Immortal. I still remember those good times. Anyways, we left that server because we were bored of that. My friends were not playing Mu anymore. I searched for more servers. I found something but i got bored of it really fast.
That's when Infinity comes. At the same internet-cafe that i learned about Mu, I learned about InfinityMu. Some guys recommended me that server. So, when i went home i started the download. My first character couldn't be anyone else than DRUGION. I maxed my stats like in 1 week. In my second week i had my F.O. gear. The server was seem to be boring. But i continued to play. That's when the good times came. I had my own guild named Intifada. Suddenly in Devias Gate, RedRox asked my to join in DeathRow alliance. RedRox was a Cs maniac, i could say

Well that was it.
The reason i created this thread is that i reached almost one year being part of this server. I don't remember the actual date but it was august, lol.
So, thnx friends and enemies for the good times
Sincerely, DRUGION.