Open Ban Appeals section for guest post

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November 3rd , 2009
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Hello Infinity,

I'm here to write a suggestion about the Ban Appeals section. I think it would be better to open the section for guest post, so multiple account creation after a banning would be avoided. As recently you could see on the ban list, forum account has been banned for the reason using multiple account to create a(nother) ban appeal. The newer forum account has been permanently banned, so it was and would be totally useless, moreover the ban appeal also pointless.
I'm not judging the decision made on the game or forum account, I'd like just point the problem of the procedure.

If the section would be opened for guest post too, then anyone who visit the forum can create a a thread without a registered user. The section could be protected with captcha from spams just like user registration, and to decrease the potential unwanted threads, newly created threads could be moderated by default. That means any of the forum moderators (so any staff member in our case) have to review and approve the threads before they become publicly visible for everyone.
This can eliminate useless and unused forum accounts, and moderators also wouldn't need to ban those temporary account for multiple account reason.
Hell Sir Kane,

Good morning!

If guests will be allowed to post, how are we going to punish them if in case they will abuse that given privilege? For instance, they will post irrelevant topics (spams) and offensive comments, how are we gonna go after them? Plus, before someone can have the privilege of posting and viewing sensitive matters here in the forum, he/she has to agree with the established rules and regulations first- of which would never be possible without a registering, right?

Don't you think it would be a real mess to be invaded by anonymous posts coming from anonymous people?

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Insania had/have a plugin which enforced accepting forum rules before threads become visible or allowed posting. I don't know if it's installed here too, but with it maybe it could be achieved the enforcement to read the forum rules.

Both newly created threads, and newly created posts can be set to be invisible for normal users while moderators can still can access it, the new threads/posts will be visible after moderator approval, so if still may spams/offensive comments, moderators can take care about them. For moderators it's easy to access and check the posts in the mod queue under the usercp where they can also quickly make any actions, so I don't think it would case mess, since everything is under control.
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I get your point, but I'm pretty sure this would bring so much work for us Mods.
Yes we can moderate offensive comments and irrelevant ones, but the number of posts will surely become uncontrollable since they can post all they want.

I think the current system is more than enough. If one wants post something, he/she has to register first. At least, everyone's required to exert effort.

Also, the purpose of banning a forum account aside from punishment, is to deprive him/her from viewing and getting connected to the forums for a certain period of time, if we will allow guest posts, that would contradict to the present due process of our forum rules.

Don't you think?
Honestly, I wouldn't except more than 100-150 posts/24 hours (4-6 posts/hour), and as right now there are 3 moderators, following my thread it would mean avg. 33-50 extra daily posts to check for one mod, which I think wouldn't be more than 5-10 minutes/day. On the other side there is psychology, if a someone continuously make effort to post some irrelevant things (probably only trolling purpose), but can't see the result, before or later will get the thought "FUUUUUUU" and stop making new post and leave the board. If so aggressive, then freely can be banned by IP too.

From the banning side still there is a paradox, how to make a ban appeal for a banned forum account without breaking any from the rules?
And which one contradicts more with forum rules, enforce the user to make a new [multiple] account to bypass the given punishment, or letting him/her to post without a registration in ban appeal section? :-)
+1 for this , this is good to avoid create double accounts... , resi can make at every post , made by quest , mods to check , and if they alow , that message will be posted , if they don`t allow that message will stay hiden
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