PayPaL problem (Where is my credits?!)

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New member
July 25th , 2011
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Hi, today i pay 5$ for 5000 creadits, that was few hours ago, and don't get any credits. HELP !!

My account: diceboy
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"Note: Donations are manually accepted, means that sometimes you will need to wait for about 2-4 hours to receive your credits. "

did you wait 2-4 hours?

if you wait for more then 4 hours and you still didn't get your 5,000 credits then just wait for the Staff to help you
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Yes i have raports on my email i do everything right i done this before. I send cash at 14:25 o clock now is 18:44 (in my country)

I use paypal dotation
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Im angry right now, where is my credits !!
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be cool sir... admins can't stay online for 24 hours they are not robots.. and they will not scam you. stay cool and everything will be okay.

sir.. what do you want? talk to me in game. I will give you atleast 1 FO item.. just calm down
Hi, today i pay 5$ for 5000 creadits, that was few hours ago, and don't get any credits. HELP !!

My account: diceboy

Have you followed the instructions?
Have you mailed on Infinity Email already?

If No. Do it.

If Yes. Wait for it. Because Admin's ain't online all the time.

You'll get your credits, Just be patient.
You credits is added exactly after you donation (a few hours after that.) We are not robots. We do paypal donations manually for more security reasons else we would like make it like the SMS system so please be patient next time. You won't spend your money for nothing. :)

Thanks for the understanding,
The InfinityMU Team

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