Dear InfinityMU Staff,
I need help in connecting my Pingzapper to InfinityMU.
As you can see in the link that I am about to send to you, it will not say "Connected via ______". Instead it will just be blank. I have selected the "main.exe" as my main game file and "play" as my launcher file. Here is the link : prntscr . com/dmfyam (I separated the .com because it wouldn't let me send links. Please understand.)
Thank you for your time reading this
~ -unso-
I need help in connecting my Pingzapper to InfinityMU.
As you can see in the link that I am about to send to you, it will not say "Connected via ______". Instead it will just be blank. I have selected the "main.exe" as my main game file and "play" as my launcher file. Here is the link : prntscr . com/dmfyam (I separated the .com because it wouldn't let me send links. Please understand.)
Thank you for your time reading this
~ -unso-