Pk streaks

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(= Mu Addict =)
September 4th , 2009
Reaction score
hay if u were like me and u love to pk but u get sick and tired of going to the home page to see how many kills u got. WHAT about if we had it ingame only the PVP server. as a result u wouldn't need to keep relogging and it would make pking so much fun.

Also instead of outlaw how a bout a rank for most pking and titles. i know that pk would be so much fun if this happen even for the newbies.

THNX for Listening

PS dont forget to says thanks.
1:The server in min stats have 150 players,and we have 3 servers.In 1 server the lag was be amazing!!!
2:The are newplayers who want lvl up!!Cant be anyone who think its god to kill all these players who want lvl up!!
3:If you want find the pk more huppy and funny you can post about pk events!!There you got your pk position!!!
4:No think anyone goes to site to see his pk lvl!!Cuz after 4-5 pk you made phonomania!!!

From me its no good idea!!This is for me!!!
The Gm's are choise!!
as in to see how many people they have killed.

is y they go the site
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is good idea for me...

for the ones who wants to train, why don't they go in server 2,..

on that server, you can train freely, no one cana kill each other since its a non-pvp server..
i agree they are always going onto PVP server and complaing that they are getting killed all the time y not go to server 2
because, its more enjoying for them if someone killing them??its more challenging???^^,
but still they complain about being killed all the time
A in-game pk counter would be nice, although I don't know if its possible. As a die hard PK fan I support this thread, cause I always thought MU PKing is useless, since you can't see how many you killed. This will make the server even more special imo.

P.S - and yea, if u wanna level in server1, learn how to die and take it like a man.
Haha if u want to see how many ppl did u killed just play in window mode and u don't have to relogin, Anyway idk if ppl are checking how many ppl they killed coz it's no mater, u are a killer an have a fun ^^
wanne pk go server 1 and 3
wanne lvl go server 2 ( this is for the new ppl :p)

ppl who liek to die go to server 1and 3 like a noob and have fun become killed ^^

so if some one complains about they get killed then say "move you'r ass and go to server 2" :p
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