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1.KronwellBInfinity Author
Users who can vote:
Admins,Head Game Masters,Game Masters(Including trials), Event Masters, Lead Moderators,Moderators(Including trials),Wiki Members,Infinity Star,GFX Leaders,GFXers, Legends, Forum Heroes and Supporters.
2.DiavalI've been traveling around for a while now, trying to find the best of all communities. I've been called many things, but the one I like the best is "wanderer". I've fulfilled my mind with so many stories, that it would take me years to tell you all of them, so I will tell you the best one. The story about community of infinitymu. What is that you ask? Infinitymu is a place of.. might even say place where dreams come true. Although, all might not be as bright as it seems to be. There is no good without some evil, you know that. Every community has it's underground devils trying to bring down the joy. Enough about that, this part is not needed to be told. Back to the case. I was wandering around the best places on the world, searching for the place to settle for some time, because with age comes responsibility, so I was forced to stay somewhere. I stumbled upon infinitymu community. I remembered this place from somewhere. Couldn't figure out from where but I just had the feeling that something is familiar. Then I realized, that it is not the first time when I have came here. First time I was just walking through, that is why I didn't even notice the miracles of this place. Friendly people, friendly staff, order in every part of the bright community. "How in the God's name is it possible..?", I whispered. I just knew that this is the place where destiny took me to be. Suddenly I didn't feel like I was forced to stay somewhere. I felt like it was my duty to stay here and I wanted it. It was a really strange feeling but I liked it. The friendly community took me in with no question, I made friends, really good friends to be precise. I worked my way to be included as real infinitian and I am proud to be one at this point too. Never it had occurred to me, that being in one place at a time could bring such joy to a person but it happened. Now, from the depths of my heart and soul I can say, that this is the place where I want my ashes to be scattered, so the soil of this land can be more healthy and I can be of use to this land as the land was for me. If you were ever to consider leaving the place without looking back, then you still haven't embraced yourself to the community. Give and you will be given back, only then you will feel the true feeling of being an infinitan.
3.[ZERO]Once upon a time, there was a Knight and he came from the city of Lorencia. And his name is Diaval, he is one of the strongest knight in the city. He is well known, because of his strenght and unique technics on using his sword and he is also handsome. Some of the elf's is visiting the city, just wanted to see him.
And one day, he was on the Bar at the city drinking ale with his friends and also his fellow knights. An old man went to there city (Lorencia), he is searching a warrior. That can defeat a monter, that monster has a dark magic that can kill or destroy the whole city. The man entered the bar and asking "Who is the strong warrior here?" Diaval stand up and said "Why are you searching for a strong warrior? And what is your name, and where did you came from?". The old man replied "My name is Gandalf, and i came from the freezing land of Devias. And i need a strong warrior that would help our city, the king ask me to search a strongest warrior." Diaval replied "Well you came at the right place, we are the strongest knight in the land!" Gandalf said "I need your help, would you come to our city? Our king wants to talk to you." Diaval replied "Sure! Wait i will get my sword and shield."
Diaval and Gandalf, travelled 4 days just to see the king that needs help.
After 4 days they arrived at the Kings castle (Devias), the king talk to Diaval about the monster that kidnapped the princess. Diaval ask "What monster are we talking my lord?" The king replied "That monster was a knight before, and my princess Marina and that knight were lovers. And i told to that knight, they will never be married and i am against their marriage. And that knight were gone, and never been seen again. But after 2 weeks, there was a Big monster and killed a lot of my guards. And took the princess with him, and now i need your help to save my daughter." Diaval ask "What is the return of my service, if i return your daughter?". The king replied "I will give you the strongest weapon, shield and armor in the land, and also i will give you a 100 pc. of gold coins." Diaval replied "That sounds good my lord, i will save the princess and kill that monster." The king said "Ok tonight we will have a feast!" That night they are having a feast, and all of a sudden a giant Fire ball is flying and destroying the King's and the Queen's room! And all of the men and Diaval prepared for battle, and they all see the monster that the king is talking about. It cast a dark spell, and he is aiming for the king and the king ran and the monster missed. And the monster followed the king, and also Diaval followed the king. He ride his horse and trying to save the king, but it was too late. He saw the king lying on the ice, not breathing and no life. And Diaval saw the monster, he was shocked because it's very big and hideous. The monster is slowly fading and it's gone, Diaval went to the king's city(Devias), to tell the queen. That the king is dead, and Diaval told to the queen "My lady, i will kill the monster and he will pay for what he did to the king and also i will find the princess. The queen is crying and told to Diaval "Thank you Diaval, please save my daughter bring her back. She is only I got, my king is now dead.". Diaval said to the queen "I will my lady! I have to go, but i'm gonna need some help from your best warriors here in your city.". The queen summons all the strong warriors on his city, and Diaval pick five strong warriors to join him. After he pick the five warriors, Diaval try each one of them and he is empress that they are good at combat. After that day, they all travelled through the freezing wind. After traveling for five days, they saw the monster's castle at the top of the mountain. Diaval ask his warriors "Are you all ready to kill that monster!" they all say "Aye!!!" and they climb the mountain, and they reach the top of the mountain. They saw the monter's castle, it's raining hard and you'll hear the thunder storm. And they all enter the monster's castle, and they saw the princess tied on a chair and they saw the monster talking to the princess. And the princess is crying, because the monster told to the princess that "Your father is dead, and i killed him! Now we can be married!", the princess was shocked and cries, and he told to the monster that "Why did you killed my father, and who are you? I don't want to marry you, i am in love with someone and i don't want to marry that killed my father you monster!!". The monster laugh and say "My love, i am the one you love. I sold my soul to the Strongest and the most powerful monster in the land, and his name is Eruhim. I did sold my soul, because i wanted to kill your father and steal you from your royal family!". The princess replied "You don't have to do this, please remove this rope around me and let me leave this castle!". Diaval yelled "Hey you monster, release the princess at once!", the monster replied "And who are you? What are you doing here in my castle!". Diaval replied and said "I am here to save the princess, and also kill you for killing the king!" the monster said to Diaval "He deserved to die, because he is the one forbid me to see the princess. And now i am strong and powerful, Eruhim game me dark powers and a streght of a 100 men. Now you will die, just like your king!" Diaval signals his team, and his team jump out of no were. And one of his team stab the monster at his back, and the monster vanish.
Then Diaval cut the rope, and he release the princess. The princess told to Diaval "My knight thank you for saving me, what is your name?" Diaval replied "My princess, i am Diaval a knight of Lorencia.". Now the whole team and also the princess went back to Devias for her to see his mother the queen, and also her people. The princess is very thankful for saving her to that dreadful monster that used to be a man! Now the city of Devias is now in peace and the monster is never been seen, and Diaval was given a Sword and a Shield, and also an armor and 100 gold coins. Diaval thanked his team for helping him to save the princess. And the city of Devias is now happy and celebrating for the death of that monster.
Alright, There you go, Let's Start. Last January 2011, I started playing the world of InfinityMU. If you would ask me if I've met a lot of friends? Yes you are correct specially DeMoNKiNG, Jantsux, Cursii, etc... As much as I've wanted to provide all the names that Ive encountered before in game well the truth is I forgot :rofl:. OK I was playing a different server with DeMoNKiNG and this friend of mine informed me about InfinityMU server well after 2 weeks I decided to play this game [InfinityMU] and it was Definitely FUN specially that a lot of people or players are playing this game UNTIL NOW OF COURSE [2016].DeMoNKiNG gave me Full Option items and even bought me UBER set using SMS and I was shocked because he trusted me a lot. ReSiSTanT helped us to transfer Uber using CREDITS and We were thankful for him because he immediately fixed our concern, That was a very quick respond coming from our beloved ADMIN THUMBS UP!!!!.
Ok!! enough with all the DRAMA's, InfinityMu season 3 (Consist of 4 Best Character's Blade Knight, Dark Lord, Grand Master, Magic Gladiator.) is the Best Server I've ever encountered, First I was having a hard time choosing if what character would I pick. So we all know that in Every MU SERVER still BK are the BEST!!! So I've decided to create a BK named BK*****, So I did used every set that DeMONKing Gave'd to me and to play with other player's, I've enjoyed a lot because the PVP here in this game is totally BALANCED! a perfect way to say if you compare to other server's :rofl: . When I got bored using a BK Character, I've immediately decided to create a new character which is a D.L named HIGHNESS, what i did to get my set for my DL is to VOTE using the website of course it will take days and all items that you aspire to get in game you will definitely get it only if your patient enough to VOTE, JOIN EVENTS, etc... OK now that I have set for my DL, The best skill that I'm using was to summon AFK player's It's really fun!!! Try it yourselves.:rofl:
Last April 2011, I've decided to quit playing InfinityMU since I was BORED!!! joking!!! the real reason was, I was busy with my Studies, We all know that we need to sacrifice everything just for us to finish Education. After long long years Finally, I've graduated and having my own Business which is 100% Private... By the way, If you asked me when I received infractions or BAN account?? Yes Definitely a lot due to SPAM, Inappropriate Behavior, etc... Well people change of course Everyone know that :rofl:.
September 10, 2015. I got bored nothing to do, I surf the net and tried to check other games and I was amazed InfinityMU still EXIST!!!! WOW!!! So I've decided again to check forum specially there website. I remembered I had an account before I immediately send a Private Message to ReSiSTant and YES He helped me to recover my account Unfortunately I received a Different account with out any UBER SET's or ITEMS :rofl: but Nevermind Since I trust this server and this server EXIST for almost 9 years I believe, I immediately gave Donations in order for me to be back and to play again this game. Well INFINITYMU is still the best, to have fun with, Past time, and even to have or get new friends !!!. When we talked about InfinityMU well you don't need to worry because Each Staff's here are very accommodating specially our beloved ADMIN of course [ReSiSTANT]. InfinityMU is were you can get Credits, Resets, Friends, Easily Why? Try it yourselves for you to be AMAZED!!! The best thing here in this game is there PVP,EVENTS specially CASTLE SIEGE well, Everyone Loves CASTLE SIEGE!!!!I believe this all for now.. !!!!!"COME AND JOIN US"!!!!!!!!
History of Klisor the Blade master
There was once a continent called Mu, in which there was an emperor who was very kind to his people, however even though in that place people lived between 500 to 1000 years. The king was very old. But he had two sons who would like offspring. One called Dorio, and his younger brother named Klisor lived very well in peaceful place but one day an evil magician Kundun attacked with all his strength to the continent and thus eliminated half of the population were just the armies of the good king.
Kundun last war and traps to kill the king but he resists and manages to escape, but in the way he killed the son of Kundun.
The magician seeing this curse throws a fierce form of flu that ends up killing the hiko Klisor. The king tells the eldest son to flee. Kundun was where the King's house and told him. I will not kill you but you remove your child from a nefarious way. And so he threw some words to the wind and went. King relieved that his son had already left, tries to rebuild his life with his wife, a very beautiful lady who even mistook the beautiful elven forest.
They spent 50 years. Nobody knew anything of young Dorio or the curse of Kundun who ruled the continent. The king had a daughter named Trythel which was very beautiful. The troubled king did not want to know Kundun his daughter so he decides to send his daughter away to the forests of the mountains. Time passed Kundun learned of the idea of the King and went to visit with a host of subjects which killed whole town trying to find the young and beautiful girl. As they did not find they took the king to torture. Kundun was pious with the wife so I took her but not tortured.
Meanwhile Klisor was already a man and master of swords, was a very strong mercenary and also fought against Kundun but could not remember anything about his past.
So he spent time in a forest when he meets a beautiful woman almost like an elf. To which some orcs trying to catch. Klisor brave kills and rescues. She sees him and falls in love. Klisor asks her name and she answers Trythel. She in turn asks him and the young man responds Kreimos as well he did not remember his name. Together they settled in the forest for a while and so married love.
Until one day hordes of Kundun go through the woods and they take her alone. Kreimos was hunting that day.
Upon returning he does not find it but knew immediately who had brought the orcs. And he followed up a vast lair. It was the castle of Kundun. Kreimos pulls his black sword and runs to kill the guards and was a skilled swordsman could go fast. But as the castle was gigantic. Unwittingly he got Kundun's room and saw him there. Kundun wondering who was the young man standing at the door. Kreimos its name with a strange sense of guilt. Kundun to hear the name came to mind King and long to laugh. Kreimos uncomprehending challenges him to a battle. Kundun stopped laughing at him and tells him. I know I must die but in your mind you remember me. Kreimos without understanding draws his sword and beheads sprinting the tyrant. But he felt no pride but grief when he remembers the name Kundun and his whole life. He also remembered who he was. And Trythel name written on parchment told him who she was.
Distressed and angry and leaves the castle dungeon runs and sees his mother next to her daughter who was the wife of Klisor. Their fears and bad feelings were real. Sister saw him felt the same.
The mother did not understand anything. Klisor opens the door. To which the girl runs away to a cliff and crying is released. Klisor apologizing to the mother goes away where a hill and buries his sword in the abdomen killing him. The sword broke automatically.
The mother crying frees the king and the two will come to mind all the past.
They grieved go to the cliff. Bury her daughter, then go where his son and bury him.
Sitting looking at the horizon with hands clasped wordlessly cry inconsolably.
One day, a weak and puny dark wizard named Vouljin was roaming the map of Lorencia then suddenly a bunch of Budge Dragons showed up. Vouljin was scared, the only thing he can do is run. Luckily a beautiful elf showed in-front of these Budge Dragons, her name was Elf Soldier. The elf used his bow to kill these dragons. Vouljin thanked her many times and this elf gave the dark wizard a buff and the power of spells.
Vouljin went to the Town of Devias to meet Priestess Sevina the woman leading the people of Devias. Vouljin believe that Sevina can make him stronger. They met at a sled near the western gate of Devias town. Sevina told Vouljin to go to Atlans a sea full of monsters, she asked him first to bring her the Scroll of Emperor and he can only get this Scroll of Emperor from the Bahamuts. Vouljin asked her how can he defeat this Bahamuts. Sevina gave Vouljin a scroll, Sevina said "Go to Lorencia again and gave this scroll to Pasi a powerful mage of Lorencia" and Vouljin went to Pasi. Pasi read the scroll and gave him a box full of spell books. Pasi told him "You can use some of that books to defeat these Bahamuts". Vouljin went to Atlans, not too long and the Bahamuts appeared, they go all over Vouljin and attacked him. He used this powerful Book of Evil Spirits and after a big fight the Bahamuts died. They dropped this rare ancient thing, the Scroll of Emperor.
Vouljin went to the Devias to gave the Scroll to Sevina. Sevina told him "There's one more thing I need, and I ask you to bring this to me, the Soul of Wizard, you can get this at the Desert of Tarkan". Vouljin was afraid of going to Tarkan. The Legend says Tarkan was full of bandits a powerful Mutants and packs of Bloody Wolves and the family of Vouljin, one time went there, and they have been slaughtered by the Mutants and Bloody Wolves. Vouljin called for the beautiful elf once again and asked for her help. The Elf Soldier appeared in-front of him, Vouljin asked again for buffs. The elf told him that just call her name and she will be there, and she is always there watching him.
Vouljin now all buffed up and went to the Desert of Tarkan. It was really hot, and he's already thirsty. He found a deep well full of water. After he drunk some of water from the well, he felt that it's like someone's watching him and it is not far away. He take out the Book of Ice Storm from his bag, and he's ready for a battle. After a few minutes the bandit Mutants and the Bloody Wolves jumped in-front of him. Vouljin used the Ice Storm and the climate suddenly change. All of the Mutants and Bloody Wolves ran and they only left one mutant, and it's their leader. Vouljin killed the Mutant and got her precious Soul of Wizard. Vouljin went back to Sevina to give the Soul to her.
Sevina gave Vouljin a book, it's the book of their family. Vouljin asked "Who is this elf?" she told him "She's your mother, the only Elf Soldier in the world of Infinity MU". Vouljin was shocked and remembered what the elf said "Just call her name and she will be there, and she is always there watching him." because her mother and the Elf Soldier that helped him in the first place was just the same person. Sevina gave Vouljin the Soul of Wizard, and told him "This is the soul of your father, the greatest wizard of the world and by this soul from a Dark Wizard I promote you Vouljin to be the Soul Master." Now Vouljin is helping other people in the map of Tarkan. He made a small town in there. Now Tarkan is bandits-free people from other places coming and visiting this small town called "Town of Warm Heart".
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