Event POLL [Poll] InfinityMU Author - February 2020

[Poll] InfinityMU Author - February 2020

  • hahakeeu (GarlicRice)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • TheFearOne (TheFearOne)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [Warean] ([Warean])

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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March 10th , 2018
Reaction score
Hello, dears!

It's time for us to choose the InfinityMU Author, February Edition!

Topic: Desire to escape!

>>Event's Thread<<

Users who can vote:
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(heart)Here are the entries:(heart)

1. hahakeeu

IGN: GarlicRice

Have you ever feel trapped, stuck, unable to move?
Tried everything just for you to groove?
and thought, maybe this is it?
I'm going to die with one more crit.

This ELF has been spamming ice arrow all day,
Should i just press M and tp away?
But if I do that i know what he'll say,
Sad BK, so gay.

My desire to escape has faded,
Fate is what i accepted,
What can i say?
that day i got called, GG.. Garlic Gay.

(PS..this is just for fun no other intentions intended :dance:. )

2. xrico17


Desire to escape!

Few people understand why I play such a game,
They say its graphics is too old and lame.
Little do they know that age is not my basis for beauty
But it is how you feel whenever you play a game that captured your heart truly.

I am not a professional nor a heavy gamer,
All I wanted is a hobby that would satisfy my hunger.
Hunger for friends and family that I hardly get in reality
But here in infinity MU I found my sanctuary.

My desire to escape my sadness has led me here,
Now it is time to express my love in words,
with hopes that they would hear.

3. TheFearOne

IGN: TheFearOne

Artificial Reality

An considerable escape from the harsh reality
A beautiful unexpected fantasy
A euphoria I did not expect to feel
An addiction i cannot not believe it is real

I have encountered many problems in life
It was too damn hard it was full of strife
I was to depressed to say continue
Because I cannot see another way or avenue

I tried to divert my attention to forget all of it
But it seems I continue falling to that inescapable pit
the only escape i see is to be back to that artificial reality
A reality that gave me the most certainty.

4. [Warean]

IGN: [Warean]

My Paradise

An experience so unforgettable,
A gorgeous and appealing desire,
That's lasts and will never fades away,
Truly, I will cherish every moment to play.

My love for InfinityMu will not be gone,
Even if real life calls me again and again for me,
This is my paradise.
The only thing I'm going and will be my second home.

Laughter, Sad, Boredom name it.
But when I ever feel alone, I have a place to tent.
A little home I can share to everyone,
And will be one of the greatest things happened to my life.

5. BadTheWrong

IGN: Wrizzly


Everyone has the option to run away.
Is it time to reason that potting is delayed?
Maybe you're the prey that's just soft and weak.
I think it's better that you just shouldn't speak.

Be quiet coz you know you will get hurt.
Heads up! you should always be alert!
Convert the hits into counter attacks.
Just don't use those macros or hacks!

If you can't beat them, you might as well quit.
Coz in this game, you just don't seem to fit.
Maybe one last try to PK until one of us will die.
After that, farewell, escape, exit, game, goodbye!​

Congrats to all for participating and sharing their lovely entries with iMU community and gudluck!

voted badthewrong,
because he started with exit so that was the first thing i did, exit :)

no no it was the best for me. all others where fine also. but i loved this 1 the most.
Vote goes to xrico17 i'v enjoying reading this nice and emotional poem good lirycs and rhymes well done!
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