Can the post color be pink? It's very hard to distinguish ally chat from post specially too many people posting. And it each chat will have different colors, easy to distinguish. Hope you consider this, thanks! More power infinity!
Because some of the players complained that they hardly see or recognize the text with the color than we used before.Well i was wondering why it was changed when the original is working great...
with Tags it will be spamThen someone will come and say that will be bad idea because party chat is blue. I'd better put it as good old gold color message and everyone stop complaining about it. Right now if you see [POST] then you will understand if its your Alliance or not. There's limited colors in MU so lets best stick to only one that is visible - the current one and enjoy the game. I will try to add [tag] for alliance chat too just like [post] one.
Ohh...i was never disturbed by it...well its probably just me and majority always wins if they are disturbed by it then sonothing can be done...Because some of the players complained that they hardly see or recognize the text with the color than we used before.
It was answered before not all colors are available,it was suggested in the previous thread and pink is not among them.Yes it's disturbing in a way that you need to look deeper to know post from ally chat (vice versa). Why not make life easier to differentiate post from ally chat with even just a glimpse by changing the color to pink. It's for everyone and I believe that with genius people around here can make it possible.
Well i was wondering why it was changed when the original is working great...