Problem with G-pet (bug?)

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KINGDOM of Weird Stuff
June 16th , 2014
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Hi there.

Yesterday i was using my G-pet normally as usual, then some DL named EyesOfBlue started attacking my BK, so we are in the middle of the fight, i decided to use a fenrir just for fun, I placed it on it's place, the fenrir itself appeard but dissapeard at the same moment as the DL started attacking. I have some screenshots, i took them at the moment when it dissapeard. Btw its just a fenrir, and if its a bug or something like that, i dont want to happen the same again to me or to someone else. can we do something about it?

DL can left-click your Pet and damage the health of your pet.Maybe it was low-health and he killed it.But anyway provide some pictures to enlighten us by editing your post at the bottom right of your thread.
You see, fighting with DL wasnt first time for me, actually im playing with DL as well and trust me i know what i can and what damage can it take from fenrir or what ever, but anyway, that happened really fast, like in a second.

there are some SS
(05_08-22_31)-0001.jpg (05_08-22_31)-0000.jpg
DL's can kill GPET's easily using normal attack (holding left click). so everytime you encounter DL's going near you be sure to check your pet's HP
Im sorry if i asked the question wrong way, but noone really got it.
The thing is, i dont need all this explanations about DL and what damage he can cause, I know all of that, but look, when a G-pet dies in 1-3 seconds, theres no sence for buying it. Btw it had enough HP to resist more than one two or three seconds. It just dissapeard not died.
Upon checking your SS it seems you are correct your Gpet was gone (You should create a report in missing item report). Ive tried it my self Ive used my DL and BK wearing a Gpet Ive continuously attacked my BK wearing a GPET and the GPET that my BK is wearing didnt Die in an instant or in just 1-3secs . Upon checking your SS as well youre lacking out of proof you shouldve taken The time as well when your Gpet Was gone so it will be cleared enough I know that you are just trying to inform the admins in this game so they will be informed regarding on what happened and we really appreciate that However Since we dont have the authorization to check your Logs you can go ahead and PM REsistant and immediately forward this thread link for him to double check your Logs in game and if this report is True/Valid He will immediately Fix this for us but we are not promising you that he will be recovering your Gpet GOODLUCK.!!!!!
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Your ss doesnt proof anything about having a goldpet. Just some chats.

You can try to make a missing item report at report section. With original SS from out of your mu folder and upload then on tinypic or imgur.

So in the thread.
Your ingame name.
What happends.
Orriginal SS uploaded on tinypic or imgur.
How you got your Gpet.

Nikki, maybe this will help


Fenrirs and all pets can die. Fenrirs especially would disappear permanently from your character once they lose their full health and die eventually. Sorry for the misunderstanding from Nikki. We don't refund pets and especially fenrirs because they can die. Keep your golden pet a side from Dark Lords because they are masters in killing any kind of fenrirs.

Fenrirs and all pets can die. Fenrirs especially would disappear permanently from your character once they lose their full health and die eventually. Sorry for the misunderstanding from Nikki. We don't refund pets and especially fenrirs because they can die. Keep your golden pet a side from Dark Lords because they are masters in killing any kind of fenrirs.

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