Pvp system

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March 4th , 2017
Reaction score
+359 sesh se.
Hello guys, I want to suggest a little increase in the pot rate. Since the ubers are modified, they has hella dmg and now most of the pvp's ends in 3-10 seconds ( most of them by 1 combo ) which is bad in my opinion. For me its not normal a player with low ping + good pot rate to die in 1 combo by a player with ping above 80. If the pot rate is lil bit increased to 6-7 per sec, we the low ping player will got maybe a chance to stay longer against lag dmg coming from the lagers.

U can share ur opinons but for me thats bad pvp system, in all other games LOW ping means WIN. Only in MU HIGH ping wins... which is senseless.
I Disagree,
I my self i am a fast potter if there wouldn't be any delay, and i am also one of the people that voted in the favour of introducing potting delay.
It wouldn't be fair for people that doesnt have that kind of potting rate.
And about the lag thingy, no matter what potting rate you will have, an acumulated "lagged" combo will still one shot you.
And in my opinion other classes than BM will also suffer if the potting rate would be increased.

P.S : Mu isn't the only game where you get advantage from lagging.
For me its not normal a player with low ping + good pot rate to die in 1 combo by a player with ping above 80. If the pot rate is lil bit increased to 6-7 per sec, we the low ping player will got maybe a chance to stay longer against lag dmg coming from the lagers.

since the new update of ubers(including mixed uber sets) + capping the pots to 5 . why not increasing a little bit.

to make it short . us pinoy,latinos, and other high ping country we cannot sustain the high ping . even we apply for higher speed of the internet, still it wont help

Second if we increase the pot rate to 6-7pots per sec more advantage to ppl who uses macro

i will AGREE increasing pot rate to 6-7pots

its only my opinion for now.
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Well when the pot were not limited, I was dying really hard, that One shot players werent a problem. Im pretty sure if I got 10 pot per sec I wont die by 1 hit. Also I didnt suggested the pot to be increased to 10 + .. 6-7 is enuf. Pinoys has huge ping now and they can kill fast. If the pot is the problem then change the DD of the sets or make BK's HP/DMG bigger/lower. Its so boring to end every PVP round in 5 secs just cuz of 1 shot.
If i go solo against some 1 with buffs then yes i can get 1 shotted. But when i'm buffed and the other i survive longer alot longer same as when its no buff against no buff. So i dont think its realy needed to be more.
Join ingame now, and lets do PVP. Im sure that u will notice that most of the rounds will ends by 1 to 3 combos maximum.. (if we got similar ping maybe we will fight longer but against high ping they ends in few secs.) thats not guud. Join now let me show u - Srv3- Stadium call me.
i dont get one shoted even if the other got 1 buf (if he got all maybe)
and with some people i fight for like 5 mins and no1 dies in the end.
and my pot ration is around 4 not max so i dont believe this is the case.

ill dissagree with this sorry . :P
If its not problem, then I dont see the reason to choose in PZ/WTf Low ping servers.. Let me use 300+ ping as pinoys and all will be fine ( i know that hey has stock ping ).. Thats abnormal.. all my stuffs are better - ping,connection,set,pot rate, skills and in the final 100 ping 1 shot wins.. People which says that they aint die by 1 shots, they are visiting 1 day per a week ingame and not fighting. Others will understand me.
Maybe your opponent is from europian country or using pz or wtfast which can help to reduce lag even ur ping is more than 300.
Hello friend,

Well, you want to make a suggestion and wants changes which will affect everyones game by not disturbing the other ones or you just want to suggest everything for yourself? Pvp system? I am not afraid and I will clearly post it in here, it is in its worst atm. For me, the provious one with editing some uber options would be great but FO players couldnt enjoy. I could write too much things about current pvp balance but I will not. I just want to make you get that, you shouldnt suggest something in a way that, you will get advantage from it but others will get disadvantage. Having high ping not makes you Lagger. Or, it makes sometimes but you must not consider it as their fault.
Nah Im not suggesting it only for me, ingame many players are crying cuz of that 1 shot and wack pvp system. In the past + - pot limit it was kinda different pvp, yea u will say that in the past WPE rocked. But now every1 is mixing the sets which gives hella DD and if someone has HUGE PING ( im not accussing noone if he has stock high ping ). Im just suggestin a option how the low pingers will survive against that high ping players. For example 10 mins ago I fought a pinoy guy who has 290-300 ping, from 20+ rounds 17-18 ended in 1 sec.. by 1 hit by me or him, and u call that GOOD PVP? 6-7-8 pot per sec will increase a bit that situation ( pinoys still will have a chance to kill cuz of their ping, and europeans like me with low ping will have a chance to pot to stay alive ).
I just want you know that solution is not about increasing potting rate. Lag is something different that will kill u in 1 hit even if u have 20 pots per second.
As i said above thats impossible.. before when i had 10+ pot per sec.. NOONE killed me by 1 hit. even da pinoys. I can proove it if someone let me to do this.. :D If its not the potions then making sets power lower is a good variant too.. just that HIGH DD is abnormal.
When the PvP was ballanced and we finnaly eliminated the lag problem, the 1 shot of bk combo everyone started to cry cuz damage is low.
When we rebuffed bk to have the highest damage everyone complains about it and you think it's fixed by increasing the pot limit...
You ppl will never be satisfied no matter what we try to do. Again we are back to the same old EU players vs non-EU players potions limit?
Hello man, well this suggestion is not good,
why? Look you from EU right? Even with pot- Daley you have chance to win pvp and its simple to prove Just look ur ping/me u will see ur pots run fast (i mean u can pot 5 per sec without any delay/Lag), now look for example me. I am from Brazil i can't get perfect the 5 pots per sec but i can stay in fight ( ofc vs Macros/Hacks i can't) anyway you guys from EU have ++ chance to won a fight and stay . Now stop try make reason .. If you dead in fight or can't stay Sorry but you're really nab..
I play here since 2010 and i never pots more than 5 even the host as in USA(LA) and even i update me internet to 70mbps..Well that's all..
Hello man, well this suggestion is not good,
why? Look you from EU right? Even with pot- Daley you have chance to win pvp and its simple to prove Just look ur ping/me u will see ur pots run fast (i mean u can pot 5 per sec without any delay/Lag), now look for example me. I am from Brazil i can't get perfect the 5 pots per sec but i can stay in fight ( ofc vs Macros/Hacks i can't) anyway you guys from EU have ++ chance to won a fight and stay . Now stop try make reason .. If you dead in fight or can't stay Sorry but you're really nab..
I play here since 2010 and i never pots more than 5 even the host as in USA(LA) and even i update me internet to 70mbps..Well that's all..

very easy to say dat . cuz you know try to play 280-300 ping . cuz i tried some ppl from EU to test pvp . 10-20 secs the fight end (with 1shot combo shielder or 2 weapons)u cannot . even u got good or bad pot u cant say its ++ for dem . full buff or no its not that simple . like me a pinoy that my ping is stock 290-300ping i cannot with stand even my fellow mates cuz dey got dat 1shot kill . same gear or mixed set . 6-7 pots isnt big deal for me .


dont cha think dat dubai can offer good ping to you . well its up to your ISP . but dont talk about 150-200 or 290-300+ ping cuz its the most stable ping in PH or other Countries can provide so dont talk like that u dont experienced that 1shot kill issue that we are talking right now
Man trust me If you play in 2010-2015 u will know what im talking.. This time u cannot play vs EU player because of the fast pots, If you not believe me ask with others olds guys.Now you and the other guy talk about die fast. what u guys want in real is only (increase pots) lmao And i dont have 290-300 ping. This is too much u cant play with this ping , Here i have 190-200 ping . In game i die but i can fight normal.
i like the way as it is ,potrate speed is decent for eweryone , many here does abuse lagging , i dont get 1 shot even critted bm wont take me out whit 1 shot , only the ones who are lagging and fighting those do 1 shot me , fighting vs no laggers i can hold good , i have no complainings and i Disagree whit you .
i still dont get why you want more pot a second, i just did a duel with Kostas, it was a nice fight, and our fingers hurted like hell, for potting and doing combo's. Our last battle last for 1 Minute.

and if you wanne know i'm daily in pvp you just dont know my unknow chars :)
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