Too many discussion about chat color, sometimes was really confusing too. But finding way just to chat with friends is very easy.
We can use different ways and colors for chatting in game just use it wisely
-Chatting with a single person can use Private Message.
-Chatting with 2 - 4 ppl can use (Asking for it) Party Chat.
-Chatting with 2 - 4 or more (your not in same guild/alliance) ask to meet in game.
-Except Chatting (ex. now Alliance and /post has same color) with the entire alliance which at least 8 - 14 ppl + /post was really confusing too. Sometimes just happen to have fun. If u are referring to castle siege too (current chat color) i think less ppl using /post so it means it's not quite confusing on chatting with alliance.
If the current chat colors change again it will end to an ended discussion, another player(s) complain again and again
and cannot be contented until each chat types have their own color which is impossible.