Regarding the events in-game

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I think, therefore I am.
December 29th , 2010
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I made this thread to increase the activity of Server 4 events which happen usually rarely.

I pleasure the staffs to make some more events at server 4 since people playing there also, especially PK events happen rarely and done mostly at server 3.

When i check the GM logs i can recognize, following :

Luigir -> Link

Server 4 : 1 time ever H&S , Staff since 09-04-2013
Server 3 : In intervall of 1 week each event, 1 time 2 1/2 weeks.

Icebreaker -> Link

Server 4 : Last entry of 02-25-2014, 07:46 PM
Server 3 : regularly

ChavoJoven -> Link
Server 4 : Last entry of 01-07-2014, 08:24 AM , that was 2 months ago.

DGK -> Link

Server 4 : Last entry of 11-12-2013, 03:44 PM that was last year?
Server 3 : In intervalls of 1 1/2 - (2) weeks each event.

Wayne -> Link

Server 4 : Last entry of 01-26-2014, 10:41 PM 2 months ago

Only Titan-> Link and Otelo-> Link are doing regularly DIFFERENT events even at server 2.
See page 14-16 & Page 4

I don't want to criticize someone don't get me wrong, i just like to speak for those people at server 4 which always complain when they read a Global Message called " events at server 3 " . My intention is to bring more variety to the other servers like - 4.

Expecting your replies and waiting for a answer.

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Thanks for your concern, reason why I do events more often at server 3 is more players are usually there and I usually announce and people want them done on server 3. I do server 4 events and can do them more often, nvm will do them more often however I last hosted the big event I believe 1 month ago? On server 4 which was troublesome for me due to my bad connection there. Truthfully I don't host events as frequently as in the past so usually when I want to do them on server 4 someone has already done them for that day, I get on at a weird time.

Appreciate the reminder btw, we can work on this.
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Reactions: Nic
I just hosted an event with Icebreaker on server 4 last 2 days ago and what the heck you're talking about last 2 months ago? :12:
idk whats happening, when im server 3, always appear a message telling us, PK EVENT SERVER 4, so i couldnt say that the staff are doing a bad job xd this is weird e_e

most of times that message comes from Otelo
well i saw couple events in s4, but i dont mind to sw to any other server for events... We should be happy to get events at all.
Im agree with Nic . I rarely see GM's on s4 .
WE are (Europeans ) still alive and we are still playing , so dont forget abt us try to be active on s4 also , if its possible .
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