Game Rules Update Restricting Players from Using Overpowered Mixes

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February 13th , 2019
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Hello everyone,

As certain players persist in exploiting and creating overpowered combinations, particularly when combining Tier-3 sets with a Tier-1 set as well as 3x Tier-1 sets , these imbalances are adversely affecting the PvP balance between classes. With these reasons, we have decided to implement regulations and restrictions to address this issue of unfair gameplays.

Game Rule Date of Effectivity:
January 3, 2024

• Bugs & Exploits:

Prohibited Overpowered Sets:
-For fair gameplay for everyone, certain combinations are not allowed for your character.
If caught using these combinations during PvP or while killing monsters (IN ACTION), you will face penalties that may lead to an account block.

Prohibited Mixes:
- Any combination of 3x Uber Tier-1 Sets, Including Semi-Uber Sets.
- Any Uber Tier-2/Tier-3 Sets combined with Any Tier-1 Set, Including Semi-Uber Sets.

-Set combinations not mentioned on the Prohibited mixes list are allowed to be used and equipped.
-Tier-1/Tier-2/Tier-3 Sets mixed with Tier-1, Tier-2, and Tier-3 Weapons' are excluded/ALLOWED to be used, of course.
-Tier-1/Tier-2/Tier-3 sets mixed with Draconite items are excluded/ALLOWED to be used.
-Tier-1/Tier-2/Tier-3 Sets mixed with Tier-1/Tier-2 Accessories are excluded/ALLOWED to be used.

-Report via
Bug Reports Section

1st Offense: 7 days ban by account;
2nd Offense: 14 days ban by account;
after the 2nd time its always: 14 days by account;

As the new year chapter unfolds, our goal is to strive for improved and fair gameplay that benefits everyone.
Happy New Year greetings from the InfinityMU Staff Team! :fsparkler::fireworks:

Disclaimer :warning:
Do not provide reasons suggesting that your Tier-3, equipped with a Tier-1 F.O., is NOT a valid excuse to avoid a ban or play with the rules. We strongly advise against mixing any Tier-3 Uber/Semi-Uber with Tier-1 F.O. Sets, as there is no logical or valid reason for such Tier-1 F.O. to be combined with Tier-3 sets. If you are caught with a Tier-3 and Tier-1 set combination, whether Uber or not, we will proceed with the banning procedures, even if it does not cause any imbalance. Do not attempt to deceive or manipulate the staff team with such reasons.
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