Satan, Guardian Angel

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Infinity Hardcore
June 13th , 2014
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Hi Infinitians,

Lemme share a little suggestion about the drop chance of Satan, Guradian Angel and Horn of Uniria.
Since the Pet was removed to NPC. I want to suggest to remove the drop chance of Pet like Satan and Guardian Angel to any mobs so the only way to have those pet is to buy to the Monster Point Shop by using Monster Point. Because if the players are aware that the pets drop to any mobs they dont bother to collect MP instead they just hunt somewhere, and the sense of upgrading and removing the pet from the NPC and move to Monster Point Shop will be useless. Hope to fix this asap if ever approved.

Any feedback, thoughts free to leave a comment here.

well the drop rate is pretty low anyway for them and you have to move your ass on hunting mobs and look for the drop :D
will check it out and get back to you soon.
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well the drop rate is pretty low anyway for them and you have to move your ass on hunting mobs and look for the drop :D
will check it out and get back to you soon.

No, the drop rate is high, I try it tho :grin: in just 2 to 5 mins you can get 1 or 2 hm 3 depends on your luck.
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lol. really? i will agree on this suggestion, but i will hunt now, before they remove the drops. :nuhnuh:
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