How are you all? I will make the contest which I always do , and this is Scramble words (NBA players). But it is more difficult because previously only names I entered , now I will also need the team of who's NBA player is being scrambled. So better watch NBA for you to get the correct answer.
#1. No editing of post - If you edited it your post , your answer will not count , next player with the right answer will win.
#2. You can't win twice in a row.
#3. One forum account is enough - Our Moderators*will check your I.P if you are using two accounts or else you will be*
#4. Raise to 15 points to be the winner!
#5. Posting the right answer after of winning can lead to a disqualification. (check the 2nd rule.)
Only one winner will be appointed , the prize will be 10 Acc winds FO.
So what are you waiting for come and join!
If you didn't follow the correct format for answering , your answers will not be correct or valid. So be more careful , when posting your answers.
Example for answering:
Answer: (LeBron James) and his team (Cleveland Cavaliers)
IGN: Diaval.
So let's start
kuLe batitbB
#1. No editing of post - If you edited it your post , your answer will not count , next player with the right answer will win.
#2. You can't win twice in a row.
#3. One forum account is enough - Our Moderators*will check your I.P if you are using two accounts or else you will be*
#4. Raise to 15 points to be the winner!
#5. Posting the right answer after of winning can lead to a disqualification. (check the 2nd rule.)
Only one winner will be appointed , the prize will be 10 Acc winds FO.
So what are you waiting for come and join!
If you didn't follow the correct format for answering , your answers will not be correct or valid. So be more careful , when posting your answers.
Example for answering:
Answer: (LeBron James) and his team (Cleveland Cavaliers)
IGN: Diaval.
So let's start
kuLe batitbB
List of players:
Underneath - 4
AsungoT - 1
-[Luffy]- - 7
#Arag - 2
SkyWaLk - 4
Smilemore! - 3
[)rAC[_]La - 2
jayzhen - 1
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