titan set how much row sir?Sell all wings full of all class.
Sell Titan set fo
Sell Sunlight set fo
Sell absolute ecepter
Sell x2 royal shield
Sell Vic ring Uber
Sell 25$ vd = Hathor and atlas Uber sets
18 rowstitan set how much row sir?
15 rows i take it. let me know if you agree18 rows
i buy titan+ DL Mantle for 18 rows bro. let me know if u agree18 rows
17 rows deal if u can’t thanks for offer15 rows i take it. let me know if you agree
16?vic ring = 15 rows?
U have alviss pend?Titan = Uber Tartarus ring ?
Deal for titan?yes i have alviss pen....
Bro I’m off bcoz I’m working but I’ll back to home in 8 hours if u on I showlets meet in game, for vicious
huh? How manymy alvin pen = titan add some rows sir...
how many can u add ?huh? How many