Server 4 for Europe!

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November 19th , 2012
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Hello guys. Good day for all.

I am here to open that old theme again. But this time it will be different suggestion. I will not ask for to make server 5 for EU or I will not ask for to change all servers to EU. I am thinking about this idea for a quiet long time and now time to share my suggestion, opinion with the community. My suggestion is, Making Server 4 an Europe server and delete server 7. RESiSTANT is paying server 7 for nothing, because no any EU people playing there. Only 1-2 player just AFK and the others are leveling in empty spots. Server 7 is empty and EU players doesn`t like it because PVP is boring. No more players in PVP, no great wars in there. But server 4 is suitable for this. Since, when server 3 being full, player starting to enter in server 4. So there will be enough players in PVP and there will be wars so EU players will enjoy too. What is the benefits of this suggestion:
First of all, RESiSTANT will not pay for another server which is inactive and useless to pay for
Many old Europe players will back to play, so InfinityMU will be dynamic active, more player, more donation.
In server 7 Game Master charactes have bug, so they can`t host any events in there. If Game Masters can`t host event in there, and that server is empty then why our Admin have to lose his many for paying that useless server?

Please community, think about this suggestion. Hope this will be accepted.
I don't really see the point if server 4 will be Europe think about others why always people from Europe needs something look at the players from Asia they play and they don't cry every day to make server for them many people will just stay afk in server 4 and wait for server 3 to get open since many players can't play with Europe host they got big lags so this will make server 4 something like server 7.Just sharing my opinion.
Hello eipon.

Thanks for your comment. I am really appreciating you for to read my idea.
InfinityMU was in Europe for years but they still played so they will play again, doesn`t matter if server 4 in EU or in USA. I think it is not a big deal right? This sever lost its many EU players and many EU donators, now time to make chance for them and time to back them. This thread is not create for fights but you made me to say this words: Because of Asian and USA players cryed very hard, this server stayed in USA. Now are not want something much like we did months ago. We just want server 4 as EU server. PH players got the same pots doesnt matter server in USA or EU. Leaving HOST in USA just good for USA and LA players. So, If USA and LA players doesnt want to play in server 4 they can enter to the server 3, but PH players can play in server 4 and show the same performance which they are showing in server 3.
So as i tould, will be better if we will back to Germany :) Hope resi will change it. :)

100% Agree with it ;)

ps. Merry Christmast :3
I agree and disagree. Because USA host has more players plus more donation. How? Many players have equal potting rate. So they would donate for uber sets to make there damage + defences more bigger. But in sever 7 Only a few have uber set. Why? Because they cannot have fun. Because there potting rate ain't that good.

But sever 4 will be better in europe. Just romove sever 7.
This is my opinion. D;
Because USA host has more players.

This is my opinion. D;

We wait 3 month and you with ur opinion one stay in arena and make there damage + defences.
i remember online with old host, for me server now is death.

just remember its season 3 not 8 - host really needed.
We wait 3 month and you with ur opinion one stay in arena and make there damage + defences.
i remember online with old host, for me server now is death.

just remember its season 3 not 8 - host really needed.

Well if you didn't notice theres alot of people playing. When your at sever 3 your always afk at staduim safe zone.
I think it's a great suggestion but as before: RESi will make decision :P
No1 plays on 7th server... why? I rly don't know. Myb bcoz 3rd server is more popular?
As a EU player I play on 3rd server even tho my pot rate is 1/s :<
As u said 7th server may be a waste of money. It's pretty rare to see 20+ online players there.
7th server was made to make us, EU players, happy. But it didnt change a thing :<

I think highers-up should consider it and tell us if it's possible or not.
I think it's a great suggestion but as before: RESi will make decision :P
No1 plays on 7th server... why? I rly don't know. Myb bcoz 3rd server is more popular?
As a EU player I play on 3rd server even tho my pot rate is 1/s :<
As u said 7th server may be a waste of money. It's pretty rare to see 20+ online players there.
7th server was made to make us, EU players, happy. But it didnt change a thing :<

I think highers-up should consider it and tell us if it's possible or not.
Thats the point server 7 was made to make EU players happy but its useless so making server 4 EU host is like forcing players to play on server 7 its like it doesn't matter server 3 is full so feel the powah of my 20 pots per sec ;D
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I agree with B`rb words because if Europe Host will be moved to Server 4 alot of players will play again in "europe server" and Server 7 should be removed.
Agree with it. +1!

Suggestion: I think what was old ,should back again to Germany ,as it was 2-3 years ago.
Well the thing is seems your hoping that the server 4 population will help the Europe players, however I think people will just logg off server 4 and head down to server 3, even if its full , or they just wont login the game.

I would prefer to see some server 4 player's opinions, however I think the suggestion isn't bad could work out.
i dont see what the hell is your problem?? you cant give up on 1 server? u dont even play at serv4 ..
and you are talking about server7? , its bugged.
gms die there in 1 hit , they cant do any events there , and ppl are complaing about it every day.
dont be greedy.. you got ur server , give us our..

merry christmas every1..
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Merry Christmas guys <3

For me it is great idea. There will not be any problem by changing host of server 4. Those 50% of players of Server 4 entering that server because of server 3. When server 3 beeing full they are starting to enter server 4. Even with EU host, this will not change. Because they are loyal players and nothing can stop them to play here.

Never forget: The most addicted mu players are Philippinese guys. And 95% of server 4 are PH players. So nothing can stop them playing here. EU players are not addicted players and when they see such problems, they are just simply leave for another Mu server. I am not meaning that they are unloyal, they are just doesn`t controlled by MuOnline, they are not addicted :-D

I want to share my opinion too, Ok let's start, First I agree on your suggestion cause you made a point out there it is a real waste of money for RESiSTANT if he continue paying on inactive server, I want too add more details on your suggestion, First if this suggestion has been granted Server 4 will be Europe Server, So USA and Asian player will move to server 3 and as we all know server 3 is a very active server and always full right so if the USA and Asian player from server 4 will go to server 3 the server capacity will reach maximum (FULL) other player can't log in there possibility they wont log in, This suggestion is good if you add some stuff like this, Server 7 Removed Server 4 will be European Server, Server 1 or 2 is non pk right ? One of this server will be a PK server or same as Server 4 now a balance for all class, and it will be hosted at USA like server 4 now because if this suggestion has been granted Server 4 will be moved at Europe.

+ 1

Edit :

I think Server 4 will remain and Since Server 1 and 2 are Non PK you can Suggest that the server 2 will be a PK Server and European Host Server and Remove Server 7.

Thanks !
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stop bulsh!ts server 3 is always full? yes its full coz of MARKET ppl and a lot of AFK 's like devias and LT 1 and in arena max 15 ppl and others are in safe, AFK ofc :D it is ur SERVER 3 enjoy play and have funnnn :D

p.s as i said b4 1 more useless thread!!!
+1 bro before was everyday full when the fking hackers Ddos us then everything change on our community now for eu players full of delay i use wtffast but still i have if resi dont change it he must find some solution for this
Well , its a good idea .. if server 7 will be removed and 4 server will be EU server , it will be more interesting .. it will be like server 3 but for europeans. (dont tell me that Eu players had own server) Ye , we had it , but it was useless , bcoz just eu players were playing here .
If server 4 will be EU server , it will be more interesting to play for us , bcoz we'll have different opponents From USA/ASIA/PH and other countries , who had advantages on s3.

:thumbsup: For idea!

P.S. Hope This thread wont stay without attention of STAFFERS and won't be moved to recycle bin..
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