Game Update Server Instability - Due DDoS Attack (3/30/2012)

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Server Owner
February 1st , 2009
Reaction score
Hello friends,

The server is offline from time to time due hacker's DDoS Attack (read more about DDoS attacks here)

The server is unstable at the moment and it might go up and down at anytime. This is not an simple and common DDoS attack so it might take time to mitigate it.

We are fighting back against the DDoS and trying to mitigate as much as we can and everything will be back to normal order as always.

Thank you for your patience!

The InfinityMU Administration

Don't spend time reading below text if you are NOT the guilty one for this DDoS attack.
DDoS attack is lame thing and you probably don't get it yet, but you'll soon so try harder attack not just sending packets from botnets in China and all over the world that you are paying for. By harder attack I'm saying hack the whole server to show to others that you are the biggest jealous retarded person in the world. But you cannot of course since only showing DDoS that a kid can do with enough money. Keep losing your money on DDoS and you'll not success in life, retard.
Thanks for Information. <3
Use thanks button.
hollly crap xD again?? those kids have nothing better to do in life? lol
Thanks For information .
im lrearning now security information for SQL 2000 / DB .
if you need more help for Anti Ddos Systems call me .
i will do if for free .
soon they will get out of IPs to DDoS us trololololol xD
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