Character involved: Shado0ow
Reason: Multiple trash talk
Duration: 31 days
Proof: Proof 1 / Proof 2 / Proof 3 / Proof 4 / Proof 5 / Proof 6 / Proof 7
Previous ban threads:
Reason: Multiple trash talk
Duration: 31 days
Proof: Proof 1 / Proof 2 / Proof 3 / Proof 4 / Proof 5 / Proof 6 / Proof 7
Previous ban threads:
Banned Char - Shado0ow
Reason: Vulgar language most of the time Duration: 7 days Proof: Thread1, SS1, Thread2, SS2 PS: For the next such offense, the punishment will be more severe
Banned Char - Shado0ow
Duration: 14 days Reason: Vulgar language most of the time Prev ban: thread, you got warnd in that thread if you keep on doing it you will get harder. New Proof: PS:i stopped in the half of the chat loggs for this ps: [Shado0ow] Command [~ i got new program for ac] do know you wont hide it...