Hello, Im curious about 1 thing. Well last month some guys were duping sol's..
They're adding 10-20k+ of sols everyweeks.
But on Saturday when the siege starts, some of the guild which added that much sols are not online during the siege.
I talk about the whole guild.There's no members online from the current guild.
Okay maybe that's a strategy of some from the attacking guilds/ally's..
But my Question is.. How do they get that much sols? From where these sols came from???
I'm sure there's still Dupers !!
Me and my friend Coldy already sold alot of items like sets/weapons/wings/rings for sol's.
But we still cant attend the siege cause there's someone who will always have more sols than us, cause he dupes them!
Even now, check the castle siege section on our website www.infinitymu.net.. Check out how many sols VIRTUE alliance have added.
And its still Wednesday. The registration of sols period is finishing on Thursday 1 AM (Server Time). How many sols Will they add untill then? 40k ?... ?
It will happen again coz a guy named MaJoRBiSon is duping these sols. I'll upload SS later.
How do i know that MaJoR is duping sol's?
Well my friend told me that.
When MaJoRBiSoN gave the sols to him, he couldn't take all the sols in 1 same account. He's getting disconnect always.
And well MaJoR is a friend of our big friend called SuperStell. I bet that they're duping sols.. !
[24/09/2012 08:12:34 p.m.] *********: (rofl) thats mess up
[24/09/2012 08:12:59 p.m.] *********: stell offered top help me adding sols too (rofl)
They're adding 10-20k+ of sols everyweeks.
But on Saturday when the siege starts, some of the guild which added that much sols are not online during the siege.
I talk about the whole guild.There's no members online from the current guild.
Okay maybe that's a strategy of some from the attacking guilds/ally's..
But my Question is.. How do they get that much sols? From where these sols came from???
I'm sure there's still Dupers !!
Me and my friend Coldy already sold alot of items like sets/weapons/wings/rings for sol's.
But we still cant attend the siege cause there's someone who will always have more sols than us, cause he dupes them!
Even now, check the castle siege section on our website www.infinitymu.net.. Check out how many sols VIRTUE alliance have added.
And its still Wednesday. The registration of sols period is finishing on Thursday 1 AM (Server Time). How many sols Will they add untill then? 40k ?... ?
It will happen again coz a guy named MaJoRBiSon is duping these sols. I'll upload SS later.
How do i know that MaJoR is duping sol's?
Well my friend told me that.
When MaJoRBiSoN gave the sols to him, he couldn't take all the sols in 1 same account. He's getting disconnect always.
And well MaJoR is a friend of our big friend called SuperStell. I bet that they're duping sols.. !
[24/09/2012 08:12:34 p.m.] *********: (rofl) thats mess up
[24/09/2012 08:12:59 p.m.] *********: stell offered top help me adding sols too (rofl)