i tried also to re-install the MU but still i got this prob :3
How to Fix the Problem
Fixing the MSVCR100.DLL is Missing issue on your PC
The first step to fixing this problem is to see if you are running a 64-bit copy of Windows or 32-bit.
For Windows XP, go to your Start menu and click Run. Type winver and press Enter.
In Windows 7 and Vista, go to your Start Menu and type Computer into the search box. Right click it and click Properties. The needed information is under Windows Edition.
Windows 8 instructions are the same as those for 7, but you will be in the Start Screen rather than in the smaller menu.
Download the correct version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package directly from Microsoft.
Since this software is free from Microsoft, there is no reason to risk getting the download from a third party.
Go to microsoft.com and search for Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package. You will be brought to the list of downloadable versions.
You can sort by release date or just look for SP1 (Service Pack 1) to get the most recent version.
If you have a 32-bit copy of Windows, choose the x86 version. If you are running 64-bit, choose x64.
Fixing the MSVCR100.DLL is Missing issue on your PC
The Visual C++ Package download page should look something like this.
Download and install the software. Follow the prompts to add this toolbox to your system.
Restart you computer, if you have not done so already, and try your software again. Your error message should be gone.
While it is unfortunate that MSVCR100.dll error messages do not give more information up front, the solution is very simple. Follow these instructions to get your computer functioning properly again. This software does not update often, so once you are done you should not run into this problem for a very long time.
Last resort: Reformat your PC no a newwer OS like Win8 or Win7 and download the latest updates...