We can't differ pro makers from beginner ones,this is a free to all,the prizes are enough for the work of this event.
The real reason people don't join in the events,are beacause of no motivation or laziness,which we CANT controll or make a difference about.
It's their own choice,plus we can't make 2 SOTM events,since we don't have that many gfxers who can controll the number of entries,which I doubt will increase.
The main reason of SOTM is to define the best signature one has made,the benefit for beginners is to learn and ask for tutorials to get better,making a SOTM for beginner's work won't change anything.
The current gfx team is busy and doing their best.
Learning and increasing someone's skill in PS will increase their chances to be a part of the GFX team which brings many bonusses,this I want to be their motivation,but people rarely aim for there,I want people to strive to be better,not just only join the event.
SOTM for beginners will only make them sit on the level which they are and not get better,we can't take GFX members who are not good at what they do.