Surname: Carbajal
Forename: Martín
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Date of Birth: 16/10/1989
From: Montevideo, Uruguay
Languages: English, Spanish
Location: Montevideo, Uruguay
Time-zone: GMT -03:00
Why do I think I am eligible for being GM?
*Im loyal to this community
*I know really fun events
*I enjoy helping people
*I don't like cheaters
*I never loose my temper and personality
*I'm friendly and i respect staff members and all the infinitymu players
*Im mature enough to this charge
Average amount of time I can spend In-Game?
about 6-8 hours a day. At weekends 8-10
Average amount of time I can spend In-Forum?
about 5-6 hours per day .
Experience in MU.
well, I play mu since I have 11 years and I have 22, I was gm from a mu here in Uruguay called ******* mu (season 3 too), then I played in another servers for the next 10 years and finily in 2010 I found Infinity and im going to have a year playing in this mu.
Other things:
I really love this game, and more this server, so I want to see what I can do to help it, I will try to enforce the rules provided by administrators to manage to have a forum and a server without bad players to remain the best mu in every way.
I will help all cases are informed me both the forum and the game itself.
I will fulfill and follow the guidelines that require my superiors on any topic
Forename: Martín
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Date of Birth: 16/10/1989
From: Montevideo, Uruguay
Languages: English, Spanish
Location: Montevideo, Uruguay
Time-zone: GMT -03:00
Why do I think I am eligible for being GM?
*Im loyal to this community
*I know really fun events
*I enjoy helping people
*I don't like cheaters
*I never loose my temper and personality
*I'm friendly and i respect staff members and all the infinitymu players
*Im mature enough to this charge
Average amount of time I can spend In-Game?
about 6-8 hours a day. At weekends 8-10
Average amount of time I can spend In-Forum?
about 5-6 hours per day .
Experience in MU.
well, I play mu since I have 11 years and I have 22, I was gm from a mu here in Uruguay called ******* mu (season 3 too), then I played in another servers for the next 10 years and finily in 2010 I found Infinity and im going to have a year playing in this mu.
Other things:
I really love this game, and more this server, so I want to see what I can do to help it, I will try to enforce the rules provided by administrators to manage to have a forum and a server without bad players to remain the best mu in every way.
I will help all cases are informed me both the forum and the game itself.
I will fulfill and follow the guidelines that require my superiors on any topic
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