- Personal Info:
- Alexandre;
- Male;
- 19 Years Old;
- Portugal;
- Portuguese and English(+/-).
- Why do Hell, Im Eligible to being GM ?
- Why Im Trying Again?
- About Time?
Resting why? because I've been working for 4 months and now I need some vacations and finnish car license, that's what I'm doing.
- Another server?
- Some Orther things?
I want to be in staff because I was one of the best GMs around, my events are gr8, so
Nothing else to add.
Followed by my old Application.
NOTE: If you're going to talk about my inactivity, that's because of my posts, I don't post so often, that's why is so low. If I become staff, I promise that my activity will increase alot.
SECOND NOTE:If you're going to comment, make a good one and a valid one, I accept bad and good opions, "Thanks" if you'd like to.