Hello i gonne make an advertising
If you reach up to the folow items pleas go make a staff application for mod or gm.
You must be active
You must be mature
You must folow the rules
You know alot about this mu and about mu information.
You'r not a kid.
You may not be biased.
You need to have the guts to ban your friends.
You know how every thing works about mod and gm position.
You can be friendley.
You know how to have fun.
You can work in a team you will need to reply on every request we ask and etc.
There is much more but this is tje important.
Owyhea you must been active.
If i ever denied you try again .
So goodluck
(ow yhea every comment and every word will be used against you . So watch out .
If you reach up to the folow items pleas go make a staff application for mod or gm.
You must be active
You must be mature
You must folow the rules
You know alot about this mu and about mu information.
You'r not a kid.
You may not be biased.
You need to have the guts to ban your friends.
You know how every thing works about mod and gm position.
You can be friendley.
You know how to have fun.
You can work in a team you will need to reply on every request we ask and etc.
There is much more but this is tje important.
Owyhea you must been active.
If i ever denied you try again .
So goodluck
(ow yhea every comment and every word will be used against you . So watch out .