Staff attitude vote

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Legends Never Die
January 31st , 2012
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Hello everyone.
Due to the reecent issues in game i come with an idea that might be helpfull to everyone.
The following words:
I suggest people have a voting about the staff conduct every 4 months (GM - EM- MODS) people who had a situation in game being insulted or disrespected by the staff, any similar situation.
So the staff who gets negative points or votes they will automaticatelly get a " Warning " from his behaviour. if the same staff member gets the same negative voting 3 times (every 4 months) could be demoted.
in the other side of voting, staff member who gets "good" votes they can receive a special tag for a good conduct with the community or any uber set-item.
i was thinking maybe, the warning should apply up to 4 negative votes. If more than 1 member have this amount of negative vote obviously they will have the same warning.
Technically this vote suggestions refers to think twice before spreading any negative feeling or disrespecting words towards the community, so after receiving the first warning message from Resistant they will have to be careful to not overstep with any people and cut off any higher feeling over people.
The idea is good but it should be backed up by proof that the staff has done something negative and vote should only be coming from the person involved. The downside of this is people could take advantage of it and gang on a particular staff member just so they can get revenge on something that they were not permitted for may it be in game or in forum.

An alternative that I could probably suggest is that the staff members get a role rotation every quarter so that the posts that have tiring tasks may be shared and lighten the load for those in that position or staff members may carefully hand pick someone who they find fit for their position and teach them what is needed to be done just like in the movie "The Replacements" if you have watched it. The idea is to have someone take over the position for just a period of time so that the main players can also enjoy their lives and have fun. It would lessen or if not remove the burn out factor on the staff members.

Before we conclude that a person has an attitude problem, we must also think and take into consideration that they also have their own personal lives and problems that they are dealing with outside of the game that may or may not affect how they are acting. They get tired too, specially when the complaints or issues of players are the same d4mn thing everyday. :alien:
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People will vote that they get offended by the staff but at the same time those people wont even try to comply with how the forum or game works. They will make a thread without reading the section rule as they will participate on an event without reading the announced rules. I was EM and i saw that many didnt even read the rules i announced. some times they got mad just because i DQ them from the event and after they say they didnt know because they didnt read what i was announcing. Not fair for a staff member to get negative points for someone who is just to lazy not to read but to learn how to read before acting. Every section as every ING Event has its rules. If you break them you will be punished.

I see lately that you guys start reporting staffs for not good enough reasons just because you put your pride above everything. You only see the negative but never the positive. Many got second chances but they tend to forget those and instead they focus on one warning or one infraction that was done CORRECTLY ,because of rules been broken, just because they dont want to accept that they are wrong. The Staff are not here to watch over you like you are kids in school and clean up your mess but they are here to maintain order and make sure none is breaking the rules. As i sayed above you ppl will just vote them for no good reason just because they gave you infractions or they DQ from an event that you broke the rules or smthing.
A personal example.
Long ago a ,now Staff member(no need to mention name), PM me in skype complaining about something on PK events. He was mad and was telling me that i didnt do something i should. After i explained him how things happen and that there was nothing i could have done at that moment he didnt go to report me or PM venci to cry but instead he read my words and try to understand. and he did understand and accepted that he was wrong. But many people wont.

Now another thing. Demotion??? this has to be a joke... if a staff member is not fit into the staff team for good enough reasons im pretty sure that it will be discussed among the higher rank staffs and will be solved. The staff (except new comers) are people of trust. if you keep demoting staff members you will also need to bring new ones and we cant accept just anyone since powers are given. And Venci deserves a strong team with loyal and trustful members, not people who will be there just for the tag/fame.

You cant demand from some Staff team members to be extremely polite and kind when you create chaos that they need to clean up every time .and yet you do it again and again just because you say "its their job" well guess what... its "their job" also to give you warnings/infracions and bans DIRECTLY when you break the rules. But instead they warn you.

So im totally against this suggestion.

Safety and Peace!
A staff member before he make a ban (Forum or Game) have some proofs coming with ,
If you have problem with a staff member for his attitude/behavior and have enough proofs you can make A staff report on Staff report section and if you really have enough proofs then the staff member will be demote!
But to make a system that you can vote without proofs its waste of time Resi already made the staff report section for that use
Do you want also a vote system for the staff members so they can vote the player with the most bad attitude and when he gets enough vote they can give him permanent ban?
Hello bro try to apply discipline to your self as considering the rules in game and forum. If you are complaining about staff then take action by providing a proof and report it. I don't know why u have so many bans and yet u still insisting staff attitude.
I hate Nikki and thats why my vote will be Negative against him. I will call my guild be with me also. Nikki will get a warning, because I/we hate him. Btw, we hate him because he followed rules and banned us rulebreakers. So ,one question coming in mind, at the end Nikki will get warning because of his bad attitude?
I did not make this suggestion because of my history of bans, that some are fake, in short it does not matter, I make this suggestion because some staff treat users as garbage, they feel untouchable beings and treat the user badly

they afford to offend you and threaten and nothing happens to them, and if a user tries to defend themselves they take permanent ban Many abuses are committed very often and you can not get proof, for example some staff members when they do events for more than I use / post warp do not take me to it, or even in 2 occasions certain GM did pvp events and just before starting I teleport out, how do I report those facts? if they are things that happen in a few seconds and an SS is not clear

and obviously the staff that treats users the worst will be the one with the most negative votes, that's what it is, so these abuses that there is no way to report will stop happening
Is that a forum or server suggestion ? Is that means that this is only for the mod team suggestions ? Anyway ... why do you believe that someone who have been banned for anything will be honest in his opinion and wont give a bad review ? This may come as a news flash, but when I staff members makes a mistake ( yes we do - it may be really rare, but we still do them sometimes ) we do receive warnings or even demotions ... I would like to suggest to look more over your actions and how you can solve your issues before you decide to start troll rocks to other people.

With my best wishes - the best nab and a poor GM ...
I hate Nikki and thats why my vote will be Negative against him. I will call my guild be with me also. Nikki will get a warning, because I/we hate him. Btw, we hate him because he followed rules and banned us rulebreakers. So ,one question coming in mind, at the end Nikki will get warning because of his bad attitude?

I do not hate Nikki for me the ban de facto ban he has given me, if they are deserved I have no problems with that, I hate him for his attitude, over the years he has kicked me out of the sv, he expels me from events just because he wants to and they are things that cannot be reported because they happen in a few seconds and so I am not the only one with whom I have committed this kind of thing, I would love to have evidence but it is not enough so I prefer not to comment more on that, because then they accused me of raising false
no over power :nuhnuh: impeachment :lol2::lol2: i hate some staff but i don't care to them anymore and i keep it to my self i know and we know no bodys perfect . spread love :cerrado:
I did not make this suggestion because of my history of bans, that some are fake, in short it does not matter, I make this suggestion because some staff treat users as garbage, they feel untouchable beings and treat the user badly

they afford to offend you and threaten and nothing happens to them, and if a user tries to defend themselves they take permanent ban Many abuses are committed very often and you can not get proof, for example some staff members when they do events for more than I use / post warp do not take me to it, or even in 2 occasions certain GM did pvp events and just before starting I teleport out, how do I report those facts? if they are things that happen in a few seconds and an SS is not clear

and obviously the staff that treats users the worst will be the one with the most negative votes, that's what it is, so these abuses that there is no way to report will stop happening

Sorry for double posting, but I just cant skip this. Now listen to me boy and be careful.

First of all, man to man, if you got ban history here, you are last guy to suggest such feature. Because it is obvious that you have different thoughts, which you already told on this comment.

Secondly, i am here or 10 plus years. I saw no Staff Member talked in an impolite way with me - user. Why, you think? Btw why only whose used cheats and disrespected rules always says "Staff has bad attitude"? You disrespected rules, you get disrespected by Staff in its right place. Why not? You thought you will use Cheats , you will get banned but everyone will respect you and you will have your reputation? You think cheaters deserve that? But how? Me never used cheats and some players like me and we dont have any problem about Staff.

Thridly, you better please dont use "Legends Never Die" slogan. Because for that you have to be Legend for real.
yes I have broken the rules many times and they take my restrictions for it but I do not hate the staff, in fact with some I get along well, the macro ban I had recently was a resistant pilot can confirm it if you see logs, from there on they have only been banned for insults that by the way are with other users
I have seen many bad attitudes because unlike you it [MENTION=2339]Abesta[/MENTION], I play every day Over the years, I give you a clear example with Fran, I have problems outside the game, and I don't mention it because until now I know that he is doing his job well,
Game Over- Soler u ban all time and speciality for insult staff and u need staff change ?
what you mean ?

hahahahaha Soler King...
yes I have broken the rules many times and they take my restrictions for it but I do not hate the staff, in fact with some I get along well, the macro ban I had recently was a resistant pilot can confirm it if you see logs, from there on they have only been banned for insults that by the way are with other users
I have seen many bad attitudes because unlike you it [MENTION=2339]Abesta[/MENTION], I play every day Over the years, I give you a clear example with Fran, I have problems outside the game, and I don't mention it because until now I know that he is doing his job well,

Like I never played every day for years and on more serious years that being popular wasnt that easy and you could lose all your reputations with one wrong sentence. I just asked you a question. Why I never got disrespected by staff team? Not in game, nor in forum? Can it be because I myself never disrespected them also? Can it be because I didnt have bad reputation among community? Dont get me wrong. I never asslicked, asslickers never gets respect and ways. All they get is being used and being a puppet. I when needed, fought with a staff member in public. But yet I never get disrespected. Before blaming someone's attitude, we have to be sure that our attitude is perfect. If not perfect, then you got your answer.
The only time he was banned for insulting a staff was vicente, and he was not insulting. Any neutral Latino who sees the image will know that I was just kidding, that he gave me bad ban

No one can have a perfect attitude because we are human, nobody is perfect, but if we can try to be the best we can as people, and I tell you one thing, if Nikki were so good because he is the one with the most history of reports in the staffreport section?

Maybe none have had enough "arguments" but it is still the staff with more reports, that is not concordance, nor does Asmos have so many reports, or for example Andromeda "hristina" has no report and so far everyone speaks well of her, I I made this suggestion because, so users could vote, I bet that if Hristina were still staff and voted, she would not take any negative feedback, because although she also gave ban, and was strict, I never treated users unlike, of others
Like Vara said, there’s the staff reports for such things. Voting is extremely dangerous because a player who was angered by a staff members can just vote for said staff member and ask his/her guild mates to do the same. If you really have a solid proof, go in staff report and make your case.

As for your accusations about Nikki and his number of staff reports, if you look at the reports, the proofs are as weak as a dry twig. Most of them are nonsense and players who got offended from what he said. You got to remember that we are a multi cultural community, there are language barriers. Believe me I had some differences of point of view with Nikki but I never saw him poorly interact with a player for no reason.

So my vote for this is obviously No, as it has no proof that it will make the staff members “better”. So that’s my take on this suggestion.

Have a good day,
good evening

after thinking about what would be better, if we had that vote system, i found an idea in my mind and now i want to share it. i've said it before but now..

To bring new Forum Tag/Group ,maybe called ''0pposition''. in group wont be more than 10 forumer.(trusted and non-partial)
Once in a month they will have a report/article about what staff does. that group will try to find out new ideas and discuss in theirselves before end of the month comes. after the deadline comes, they must have finished & published their artice/maybe suggestion how we can improve INFINITY.

thats what i find and what i think how that group should work.
fellas, if you have any ideas about it ,please discuss.
i think this group will bring new light in community.

and one thing, if my idea will be fine for the staff,venci and community, then im starting to give my vote to [MENTION=2339]Abesta[/MENTION] to be president of this opposition patry.

Yours Faithfully gio.
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