Staff Members vs. Players

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November 11th , 2011
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I've thought about this for awhile now. This can possibly bring our Higher Staff more closer to our dear players and can create a bond between staff and players.

A monthly competition between Staff Members (Ex-Staff also) and fellow Infinitians. It could be PK event or whatever the Staff decide to do(Forum Event or CS-Admin Guild vs. Players Guild). Preferred all Staff to participate including our Administrator, RESiSTANT.

Increase credit received per vote (1% or 3%, reward range can be decide by RESiSTANT)

  • Create stronger bond between players and staff
  • Increase the vote
  • Bring that new spice of excitement we never had before between staff and players
  • Create a more comfortable/friendly environment between staff and members

  • Take a lot time to organize since all (most active) staff have to be online
  • Most Staff are busy with their life so it'll be hard to find a date/time when all are available
  • A good friendship/bond can be hard for Staff to carry out their duties/job

Please feel free to add any ideas about this topic. Also feel free to reply why or why not this is/isn't a good suggestion.

I think this would be interesting. Possibly an admin guild vs normal guild kinda event?

The only big problem I see with this is it would be difficult to create the event so every player can participate. It would get messy trying to organize who gets to join in and who doesn't.
I think this would be interesting. Possibly an admin guild vs normal guild kinda event?

The only big problem I see with this is it would be difficult to create the event so every player can participate. It would get messy trying to organize who gets to join in and who doesn't.

Admin Guild Vs. Normal Guild sounds good. About allowing which guild to join can be base on their overall performance such as CS (Owner), #1 ranking guild, or the most active guild in-game.
I think this good suggestion but there's are know admin guild they are Helping player's not also known Pvp Guild . But this is impossible By the way Good Luck.
I think this good suggestion but there's are know admin guild they are Helping player's not also known Pvp Guild . But this is impossible By the way Good Luck.

Not necessarily PK Event, I know that some of our Game Masters are from EU so their pot rate isn't good plus they might have delays. There are always an alternative way to create bonds between players and staff. Also, Staff are selected to help players, they should also have fun with players. Players will like the Staff team and love the server more since Staff are friendly and actually spend time to take care of them. After all, they're what keeping the server fun and keeping the server up.
I get what you mean in general, a stronger relationship between players and staff.
This is a good way to bring our players & staff closer to each other. It can also improve our server game play. Please help me push this through.
I think this would be interesting. Possibly an admin guild vs normal guild kinda event?

The only big problem I see with this is it would be difficult to create the event so every player can participate. It would get messy trying to organize who gets to join in and who doesn't.

Only one guild can challenge the Admin guild. And the guild can determined by "guildwars". like how many participating guilds. Winners vs winners. losers vs losers what so ever.
Last guild standing can fight against the Admins guild.

Only one guild can challenge the Admin guild. And the guild can determined by "guildwars". like how many participating guilds. Winners vs winners. losers vs losers what so ever.
Last guild standing can fight against the Admins guild.

Good idea bro. This can possibly bring more fun and maybe a new spice of excitement. It also can strengthen a guild's pride and also strengthen the hostility (competition) between guilds in our server. :)

If any GM can post a reply here and tell us your opinion it would be great. GMs are selected because they're the Veteran of our server and they also know how important the bond between players and Staff members since they're players themselves. This is do-able so please try to push it through. Thanks.
Me Likey :thumbsup:

I have nothing much to say to about this suggestion but a quote from mackelmore - "THIS IS EFFIN AWESOME"

Staff VS Players would be a very entertaining event.
Imagine it, Everyone get's ported to the dark map where GM's interrogate hackers (the map that's all black) . Then when ready the fight begins. All staff members will have to fight against 100+ players. Once your dead, your out. So you have to use your strategic battle plans to beat GM's. and blah blah blah,,, ya'll get the point...

One of the best event suggestions yet!
Would really like this event to happen on RESiSTANT's birthday
i dont think that our staff team will fight against 100+ players, as flip suggested

i have another idea:
lets 3-4 gm's make their own teams: Team 1 -Dev team 2 - stell , etc
they will make own teams , 5-6 players in every team , and then hunt eachother in map like icarus or any other small map
4 bands hunting eachothers , sound good ;)
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i dont think that our staff team will fight against 100+ players, as flip suggested

i have another idea:
lets 3-4 gm's make their own teams: Team 1 -Dev team 2 - stell , etc
they will make own teams , 5-6 players in every team , and then hunt eachother in map like icarus or any other small map
4 bands hunting eachothers , sound good ;)

Yeah good idea but none of the GM have reply on this thread. So I don't think they will try and make this suggestion happen.
I think it's kinda unfair to you and to those normal players because we (GM's) had 65k stats and we can kill you in just 2 seconds as long as we want. unless, were going to use our normal character that would be fun :)

PS: Admins Guild is the most powerful guild in InfinityMU (suong)
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Hello Classi, your suggestion is not good enough. I am meaning, we Admins guild can kill whole server. Plus we will have Mana Shield (Subzero will give). But, you can think a bit on your suggestion, add some ideas, you can improve it.

i dont think that our staff team will fight against 100+ players, as flip suggested

i have another idea:
lets 3-4 gm's make their own teams: Team 1 -Dev team 2 - stell , etc
they will make own teams , 5-6 players in every team , and then hunt eachother in map like icarus or any other small map
4 bands hunting eachothers , sound good ;)

Gotcha! This one seems cool. It will be fair.
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