Staff Team Update Staff Team Update (20/06/19) - Lelouch

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May 17th , 2015
Reaction score
Lorencia 78 153
Greetings friends!

I am deeply sad to announce that Lelouch asked for his demotion due to his busy schedule. On behalf of the staff team and all the community I thank you for your very useful service and support over the community!
Good luck on your life my friend. You will be always the best!

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Thx for everything brah. take care and remember to dunt turn off ur fkin skype :D
a sad news I wish you the best in your real life and I hope to see you soon. good luck.
thank you come again, we will spam your skype :)
Now this was too fast for me to realize it was really happening. Gudluck with your work&life. Drop by from time to time ^_^
bye lelouch, if you don't comeback im gonna leak your girl pic
Fk , im rlly sad for this news, man thanks for your service, hope soon u will back... Take care Man(hmm)
damnn man u srly?.. oh well.. thank you for everything we appreciate your hard work bro take care and dont forget us!
Thanks for everything bro! Good luck in your real life!
Thank you Sir.. Good luck in real life
This guy must be one of the best members that Staff Team ever see. Sad news but life comes first. Take care and good luck. Thanks for your services.
Thanks a lot for your services man, please visit us sometimes.

Stay cool lelu
Thank u for your services louch.. Good luck in your endeavors. :)
Thanks for every events and the gfx thing. Hoping to see you back soon..
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