Starry(-[BOLT]- OWNED with more REASONS XAXA

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February 27th , 2012
Reaction score
Silay City Negros Occidental
this is the real arrogant man, i don't like his attitude,, he always kill me at arena, while saying "NOOB/DIE/ETC" , this day i asked him to duel without bet , Just want to let him know that he is wrong and to let him know that i can kill him :)) XAXAXAXA!

he just killed me because i'm typing , he's REASONS " PHONECALL ,LAG,DELAY, DON'T LIKE TO PK ETC " but when he killed me, he said " NOOB,DIE, ETC " XAXAXAXA !
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Nice, yeah I hate when people are too confident and mean. Good duel mate.
O.o What's this? You think killing me become you famous? Don't get to much excited about it. Coz at the first place you're the one who started it LONG TIME AGO! All know who TRY to Bring me down, and that's YOU! You're telling us you're will never do the things you done long time ago? Well what's this? ;) How cute NOSAJONE. If only Sir Jopa would't tell me what happening here. I will be too late to post this. :) Well. Is that your cute Little SS? Be thankful im kind not to post all your trash talking to me :)). All that "YOU'VE NOT IMPROVE IN YOUR SIGGY" "GFX LEADER DOESN'T FIT YOU" Saying me "BOBO(Dumb or Idiot) Is not cool at all. I accept what you've taken to me. But this time you come so far.. I'm arrogant? Well whose talking!!!!:XD: Hahaha! Ok let's say I am arrogant. BUT TO THOSE PEOPLE WHO DO NOT LIKE ME! TO THOSE PLASTIC GUYS WHO TRY TO BE COOL EVEN THERE JUST NOT THAT COOL. TO THOSE PERSON WHO ARE TRYING HARD TO BE THE ONE and TO THOSE PEOPLE WHO HATES ME THAT MUCH! >:

Trash Thread. If killing me Ingame makes you HAPPY? Well Congratulation! I'll give you award for doing that :))))) Pff.
First of all, he was wrong for trashed talk to you. I mean, you got killed multiple times and this guy is keep on talking trash, I would be really mad if I was in your shoe. But its part of the game, just be a better person and shake it off.
Secondly, you're wrong by putting him on the spot trying to get back at him. People act like that sometimes. Myself for example, I act really ignorant when I'm on my "secret char". Its just for fun so don't take it personal. Just enjoy the game and kill him with full buff LOL.
Lol, winning the duel against Starry wont make you strong or even famous, and in fact STADiUM is the place, where everybody kill you for no reason. Every time I go there, They kill me 100 times or more. And i dont get mad or anything, they even call me a I Love InfinityMU. It's just a game. so be mature! Just enjoy the game. :)
You're lucky:).
Killing others makes me Happy..
Making others feel like WORLWAR3 makes me more Happier
kids kids!
always kids! xd , it's only a duel ^_^

The last time I checked Adults were more competitive than kids :P.

Anyways I didn't know about the trash talking, some trash talking is good imo but plain harassment isn't, not cool from both sides imo.
Just enjoy the game... PLAY, KILL, BEKILLED, SHOUT, CRY, LAUGH,, LOL, we cant blame anyone here.. it's just a game which we enjoy the most.. thats why we're here.. so respect anyone even they're strong or weak.. even if they'er kids or disable :P and about trashed talks... i admit,, sometimes i go with my emotions and fight back... #sensitive# so control Emotions and Enjoy Playing the game.. Free to Kill ^_^
Nice , comments buddies.
but you did not get my point,just want to share this its because i don't want to treat me like an animal or whatever, just want to prove that i can kill him. because he said i'm WEAK! i understand that,but i don't he killing me always in arena saying that DIE,WEAK and so forth. just kill me without trashtalk its ok. hope you get my point. i'm not saying that i'm pro. i'm just a normal player. i never say that i'm a pro.
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