Hi guys.
I have a problem, I can not add free stats
I had about 29-30k free stats to add but here is a bug or i dont know what..
I've reseted all stats but still can not add.
Fix it please
account name: fenomenal
Hi.Maybe you add all your recent extra points and when u reached 0 free stats it gave u another 30k points for bug(that happens when u do it manual by clicking).If u do it from website i guess u dont know that maximum is 32767 and u have to calculate the difference of max stats so it reveals u the error for the above statement.
str was ~5400
i did some resets and there was about 26-27k free stats
i wanted to add them add to get 32767 str
but as you can see on the screenshot - "Invalid Character"
its because of the dot in your name. the website dusnt work well with symbols in your name. best to contackt Andromeda to add it. also you can just add it manuel ingame. its just because of the symbol in your name ( the dot) you cant add the stats.