First I'm go said Hello for All and Thanks for Attention.
Pessoal Informations:
Name: Gustavo Corsi
Age: 14 Years Old
Gender: Male
Location: Brazil - Maringá - Parana.
Languages: Pretty Portuguese , Good Spanish and Bad English.
Why I want to become the best forum moderator ?
- I have good Active on Forum. p.s: I can Make 100% all time.
- I know Rules and Now I know all threads.
- Have Good Moderator more for me need more and I'm here for help all the time.
- Now no have much spammers more have have and I'm here for help finish that spam.
- I really need help this server and I need start in Moderator for peoples ee me good work and I'm study for make pretty english and spanish and mayby winner a game master coz in forum bad english not is problem more in MU with game Master is big problem.
- I go try help new menber with post in correct section and talk with FULLPKS for him give me free Classes and I'm get better as he moderator.
- Is it because I need be a Moderator for help forum in me free time for prevent spam and help new and old menbers.
How long can I move in?
I will not lie , on weekdays I have good time on 2 days ( 5~7 hours for spend in forum ) and 3 days not much ( 1~2 hours ) and on weekends I have 24 hours for spend here :XD:
Experience in vBulletin?
Have too much coz I play mu much times.
Infinity in 2 moonths I'm here 1 year, more I'm playing other's servers
Mayby I Start on Mu in me 8 Years Old , have 6 years with MU , coz Mu Are the Best
It was already in other Forums Moderator ?
Yes Sure , I have great Experience with Mod one Forum , I'm Moderator much time in Brazilian Forums and I'm pretty Mod.
I said it coz all said it and I'm make good work its really.
Additional information or reasons?
I have pretty english and Good Spanish for help Latino Menbers on Forum.
And I'm know use Translator for Help English Member.
I'm Studying for Improve my English and I hope that in two years is already in perfect English, without error, as if born in an English speaking country.
I have Good Time for Play its True and I need so much Help.
I'm Not Hungry and No have much Enemys.
Its All :happyy: Sorry for me Bad English :sadd: and I'm studying for make good english :grin:
Stelll :cooll:
Pessoal Informations:
Name: Gustavo Corsi
Age: 14 Years Old
Gender: Male
Location: Brazil - Maringá - Parana.
Languages: Pretty Portuguese , Good Spanish and Bad English.
Why I want to become the best forum moderator ?
- I have good Active on Forum. p.s: I can Make 100% all time.
- I know Rules and Now I know all threads.
- Have Good Moderator more for me need more and I'm here for help all the time.
- Now no have much spammers more have have and I'm here for help finish that spam.
- I really need help this server and I need start in Moderator for peoples ee me good work and I'm study for make pretty english and spanish and mayby winner a game master coz in forum bad english not is problem more in MU with game Master is big problem.
- I go try help new menber with post in correct section and talk with FULLPKS for him give me free Classes and I'm get better as he moderator.
- Is it because I need be a Moderator for help forum in me free time for prevent spam and help new and old menbers.
How long can I move in?
I will not lie , on weekdays I have good time on 2 days ( 5~7 hours for spend in forum ) and 3 days not much ( 1~2 hours ) and on weekends I have 24 hours for spend here :XD:
Experience in vBulletin?
Have too much coz I play mu much times.
Infinity in 2 moonths I'm here 1 year, more I'm playing other's servers
Mayby I Start on Mu in me 8 Years Old , have 6 years with MU , coz Mu Are the Best
It was already in other Forums Moderator ?
Yes Sure , I have great Experience with Mod one Forum , I'm Moderator much time in Brazilian Forums and I'm pretty Mod.
I said it coz all said it and I'm make good work its really.
Additional information or reasons?
I have pretty english and Good Spanish for help Latino Menbers on Forum.
And I'm know use Translator for Help English Member.
I'm Studying for Improve my English and I hope that in two years is already in perfect English, without error, as if born in an English speaking country.
I have Good Time for Play its True and I need so much Help.
I'm Not Hungry and No have much Enemys.
Its All :happyy: Sorry for me Bad English :sadd: and I'm studying for make good english :grin:
Stelll :cooll: