Suggestion about Dino...

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Legends Never Die!!
January 10th , 2010
Reaction score
Hello forumers.
I want to share my suggestion with you. My suggestion is:
Make Dino pet can`t be use for MG. MG is powerful char in server 4 and when they use this pet, it is hard to kill them due reflect, but they just kills in few hits. Like BKs, let it can`t be use for MGs too. I am not server4 player, but sometimes I am checking for fun, and those MGs whose using that pet makes me angry and I am not thinking about myself only, I don`t even care, but players whose playing in server4, i think they are bored of this type of PvP too. Can`t to kill those MGs with TS(Because of huge reflect), can`t kill with combo( because when you do combo, your pot slowing and it makes you dying faster), can`t use GOLD Pet for kill(Because, GOLD Pet can die in few hits).

That is my suggestion, let Dino can`t be use for MG

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The only thing I agree in your suggestion is the Gold Pet life, If you wear a Gold pet and a MG hit you with dinorant ur Gold pet will die in some seconds, that's not cool I've losted lot of pets in server 4 -_-
The rest, I'm neutral but MG is really powerfull in server 4 :)
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The only thing I agree in your suggestion is the Gold Pet life, If you wear a Gold pet and a MG hit you with dinorant ur Gold pet will die in some seconds, that's not cool I've losted lot of pets in server 4 -_-
The rest, I'm neutral but MG is really powerfull in server 4 :)
Mg's normal power power is not that big thing, but when MG using this Dinorant then MG become 5x powerful. And this is really unfair.
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When the dark lord had skill what killed in a few seconds it immediately blocked but as mg kills on hit it no longer can do that
well mgs arent so powerful as u all think even they use dino, but i agree with abesta :)
Well, for you maybe not, for me maybe not, coz we have enough pot rate to be stay alive longer, but we have to think of all :-)

is depending of pott rate :D
I know, the MG'S skill with Dino pet is so big... damn that's make me angry too, but maybe we can use Dino pet too.
at least for survive in Pvp with some MG xd
Im not agree with you Abesta. Anyway MG has lowwer def then other class, why they cant have a bigger damage then others? Sorry but im Neutral with that suggestion.
Im not agree with you Abesta. Anyway MG has lowwer def then other class, why they cant have a bigger damage then others? Sorry but im Neutral with that suggestion.
Hello Deniz :-)
I think you didn`t checked server4 :-) MG Have good Defense rate, Good Dmg and also good speed in server 4. But with DINO, MGs got amazing speed due not receiving reflect. I am saying it again and again, this is not making problem for me in 1 vs 1 even mg got this Dino. And I am also Server 3 player. I am thinking of other Server 4 players, which don`t have that good pot rate.
MG's dont has a good defense in server 4? Did you go to server 4? It's the class that I have more difficult in killl, they has a pretty good defense in my opnion.
MG's dont has a good defense in server 4? Did you go to server 4? It's the class that I have more difficult in killl, they has a pretty good defense in my opnion.

because the MG rarely come at server 3.
MG's cannot kill at server 3.
Abesta, maybe you was so angry in that moment xd
Yea I Agree Your suggestion man

MG's powerful in Server 4

If he use Dinorant He Can't Kill Because of No reflects.!!

so i give + 1 points to this suggestion
Now you don't have to worry about :D - Yesterday trying that I died from my reflect :D But ye MG's do like to do anything to get advantage! But I think MG is broken so like SM's and elfs - I would love to see SM beating up BK's so does Elf's :D That would be cool :D

But I think a while back I did made a big fuss about something similar - I don't know if anything changed :> If yes then me is soo badly sorry :D
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I think i would disagree too only becuse MG doesn't have buff, doesn't have almost any pluses but the faster resets, so main reason why people create a MG is to kill in server 4 for fun or to make resets and faster grand reset for credits. If u remove their dino, you remove a lot of pleasure from the players who use these characters. Plus, they are very bad in server 3, so s4 is almost their main chance to play this type of char. Also, i wouldnt determine it as 5 times stronger and so on because it's not so easy to die from mg even in server 4. at least in my opinion.
The golden pet thing really really ****s i totally agree here, because it's not fair to lose so easily an item that costs 7000 credits. I would support a suggestion about this. :happyy:
Hello forumers.
I want to share my suggestion with you. My suggestion is:
Make Dino pet can`t be use for MG. MG is powerful char in server 4 and when they use this pet, it is hard to kill them due reflect, but they just kills in few hits. Like BKs, let it can`t be use for MGs too. I am not server4 player, but sometimes I am checking for fun, and those MGs whose using that pet makes me angry and I am not thinking about myself only, I don`t even care, but players whose playing in server4, i think they are bored of this type of PvP too. Can`t to kill those MGs with TS(Because of huge reflect), can`t kill with combo( because when you do combo, your pot slowing and it makes you dying faster), can`t use GOLD Pet for kill(Because, GOLD Pet can die in few hits).

That is my suggestion, let Dino can`t be use for MG


i am to play sometimes in S4 and i am agree u enver goodluck
i Agree with the suggestion..he3...
Too much power for 1 char is not good...
other will be bored in getting to S4...
sometimes S3 is full then other player will come to that server and just stayed in safe zone coz MG has its power...
u will get boring if u always die fast than expected to have a good fight..
..i agree with this.
just let happen if mg is strong or not we have diff. opinions if you want mg then use mg if you want to rock players with bk then LETS ROCK !!!!!!!
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