Suggestion Balance PVP

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July 10th , 2011
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Can I suggest to balanced all character in PVP like ELFs, SMs can kill BKs DLs and MGs. so that everyone can Enjoy PVP. Is that possible sir? :))
elfs and sm's are support chars,but put an uber sphinx set on ur sm ,learn to use teleport +ice and oala u can kill a bk
elfs and sm's are support chars,but put an uber sphinx set on ur sm ,learn to use teleport +ice and oala u can kill a bk

No, No, No SM and Elf cant kill the Bk's or DL's

Tested and proven. if Sm wearing Sphinx uber it is useless. I Swear.

Support that's ALL. "No change for the Database"
actually ALL other chars are supporters ^_^ MU originally created in Korea..they believe that knight is the strongest..SM and ELF are 100% supporters pure def..but still there IS a chance that DL or MG can kill a BK..

DL has pretty high dmg with his Crit Dmg buff,and don't forget horse+shield gives pretty nice def and dmg absorption by the horse,MG has also pretty nice dmg with his Fire Slash that skill also reduces your opponent's def by 10(but he has pretty low def and HP) - also MG can wear Bone Blade which is stronger,Elf well...if you get Uber on Elf and have good poting skills you might actually hurt a bit the BK with Ice Arrow which also will freeze him or make him go slower(especially with Ice ring and Pendant) xD,SM well as MAD2KILL said get Uber and train your char to attack and teleport,Ice Storm has really high hit rate,also can make him go slower and change to decay so you give him the taste of poison :)

BK well has "medium" def..BK possible kill without his buff to be honest..that's what keeps him alive
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