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Well-known member
July 25th , 2009
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As I noticed from the update with the new map, sever gotten a bit laggy when it had the update. The update is good but a few tweaks on the flinch will highly do it has been more slower than ever, Not only myself noticed but for the pass day since I gotten the new map, my flinches are like 2 times slower and cannot preform a great combo with this super slow flinch. If you guys got any concern for this case and see it did change please kindly tell us your experience. Indeed its not sever delay, sometimes I get delay but its rarely. It's not because we were attacked. We were only attack for a few hours. :)
Hello, I already reported this issue here. I already talked to venci about this issue, he gave me some solutions and tested it but the issue still occurred. He is trying now to find how to fix this problem. Just be patient :)
Run your autoupdate from InfinityMU folder because there's some new updates. The flinch is gone (confirmed by Chronicle because he tested it). I don't have flinch usually. I guess it's from the video card model.
Please close this to any mods, sorry next time I'll take a look on thread for suggestion before I post. Infraction again if anything :27:
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