[Suggestion]New Items Price

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October 5th , 2010
Reaction score

As most of you know, new items are added. I went to the webshop to check what prize it has. Well, I almost fall down of my chair xD 12k gold credit for 1 item. Well, it's okay we want people to vote more, but it's very much. Atleast till Chrimstas RESi should make it atleast for 6k gold credit means 12k credit. 12000 gold credit=24000 credit. Well for me it's expensive.. If i go donate it would be for me like 25$(for 1 item?!?!).
RESi, make it 6k or less gold credit, till Christmas. I dont say that make it 2000, but 6 or 7. I hope you can do it! ;) Cheers!


Server Owner
February 1st , 2009
Reaction score
1. Vote - if you care for this server and want to have good items just support us by vote 402 credits per 12 hours is not small amount.
2. Grand Reset - if you are here to play and planning to have good equipment go and LevelUP.
3. Online Time Trade - If you want easy credits let your character online when you're afk.
4. Referral system - advertise it to facebook, forums you're into to support us if you care for InfinityMU and earn credits in the same way.
5. Admin/GM Events - respect the GMs and join their events in-game and forum. They mostly reward credits and new items.
6. Last line - donate if you can, if you can't then we have 5 solutions above, read them.

Have a little patience. You and most of players want to try the sets today, I know it, but this is not possible if you cannot afford to donate. But after a week or two you will afford at least one or two set to your characters. This will open all new market for the server. If we give it too much price the market won't be challenging as it is from today.

Some people released too much hate to us in facebook before 3 days where I posted screenshot preview of Brave Set. They said they will not donate, but where we want you to donate since you see 5 easy ways to earn credits? Something is wrong with them, don't you think? Some of them were already banned for cheating and using AP in-game so I understand their position and why they hate because of their low intelegence.

The price is permanent. May increase without notice if our votes in xtremetop100 and other sites rank is lower as it was for the last year.

Prices will not be put in discussions or suggestions. I'm closing this.

Thank you
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