[Suggestion]On Coming Update

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May 14th , 2012
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Butuan City
i Was wondering.. how long to Release the Uber Hegaton Here on Infinitymu And the FlameBerge for BK? ;) i gues it will cool sooner there' will be Hegaton Here and coz at 25$ same all uber's HEHE.Feed Back Guys :P
sorry for Bad English
If you want these hegaton sets, you can check and play at our sister server www.insaniamu.com. InfinityMu will stay as it is, and if we're going to add flameberge it will cause some bugs. (there have been a lot of created threads about adding flameberge, you can use the search button function if u want to read those threads)
Insania is Season 6
You can find sockets here and others cool sets

Infinity will always stay at Season 3 (like its name Infinity = Forever/Limitless) :P
Hegaton or other set Tier 2 $25 USD
Other Uber down price to 20 USD :P
Hegaton or other set Tier 2 $25 USD
Other Uber down price to 20 USD :P

yea your ryt' lets Tell ReSiStant to add other Uber set's like Hegaton. but still on Season3'Ep4-5 just like that..

Nah i don't tink any sets will be added.

then why cant? how can this server surive if they will not add New Item's?
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It will survive quite well Kim,adding another tier sets will cause bugs and it will cause more problems for the server and for Venci to deal with.Like other players said,go to our sister server and play with all the things you want.Enough was done when the season 4 sets were added.The server functions very good and adding other season stuff will kill the thrill and many players won't be happy.Sorry,your suggestion is not good.
if .. we go to insania.. we will start again.. why we need to start again? if infinitymu can have hegaton?
InfinityMu items will remain as it is until further announcements, For season 6 items, you can always join the sister server.

Of course we all needs some new things but we have to think things in other sides too. InfinityMU is Season 3 game, which means it is classic season of MuOnline and we have many online player because of Season 3 features. We must not go much more away from season 3. There will not be any sense of keeping this server as Season 3 if these swords would be added. What will be difference between Season 3 and higher seasons then? Only interfaces and Socket option? InfinityMU already added new items to Season 3 for to make it better. Vicious or some other 2nd ancient sets are not available any other season 3. We have Season4 items and weapons which not available in any other season 3. I think InfinityMU will be cool as it is now. Or maximum, 1 new sword would be epic with name "Infinity".

We shouldn't put more stuff in because the server will loose it's season 3 feel. New items are cool but if we go further and further, the server will loose it's identity. If you want variety, just change up some skins. :) So, in my opinion, this is not a good idea.
what i only mean is.. Infinitymu will still stay on season3.. but there' will be new item's like hegaton.. then..
ok here's my point..
i love playing infinitymu coz its only season3 and no socket's
but i want to have also hegaton... and flameberge.. on same mu that' i played.. i realy love this mu much .. and i stay here for 4year's
all i want is to have hegaton. and some new items :/
what i only mean is.. Infinitymu will still stay on season3.. but there' will be new item's like hegaton.. then..
ok here's my point..
i love playing infinitymu coz its only season3 and no socket's
but i want to have also hegaton... and flameberge.. on same mu that' i played.. i realy love this mu much .. and i stay here for 4year's
all i want is to have hegaton. and some new items :/

About the flameberge its already suggested by our fellow infinitians.

Flameberge is BUGGED :plaths:
Kim,we know you mean well,but it was already explained to you that the server will lose the original Season 3 excitement,not to speak off the bugs that will occur,please understand that it must remain as it is,and adding 2-3 new items will change the concept,then everyone will want 2-3 other items and it will go on endlessly,so it won't be okay for everyone.Understand that everything is good as it is,no more changes are needed right now.
so it mean's there will be no more updates on items? the last item will be uber only? vic and hyon for bk?
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