[Suggestion]PILOT Request

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June 7th , 2012
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Hello ,here is my suggestion

We see how many accounts had been hacked,banned because they shared their passwords,to avoid all this i want to create a thread were all players who wants to put a pilot on their account.From many reasons (school/work/personal)i think we need someone to pilot my acc during i'm not online. Example :

PILOT Request - (name)

Character Name :
Reason of request:
Duration :
PILOT name :

The player who is choised for PILOT must answer back and aprove that.Duration of the pilot can be maximum 3months.If you are back and you take back the account post and let us to know.In this way we can know a thing about that account and who is playing on it.

P.S If someone have any suggestion for this ,post and let me know about it to improve the idea !
That's a good suggestion, but still that's the most important rule in this community. Not even the Staffs are allowed to take anyone's personal accounts. Nice idea, but I don't think they will approve this one .
And what's the purpose of it?,RESiSTANT anyway won't do anything if your password/email changed after you willingly shared it.
its not good!!!!1 hehehe even your closest friend will hack you if they are interested with it!!!
It may be possible but Admins or Staff Members wouldn't be blamed for Hacked accounts and Items. Although we have the No Sharing Policy. In this case, The Player/User holds the whole responsible for this.

50/50 for this suggestion.
Absolutely Non-sense.
This pilot you can put when you dont have time to play ,i mean if you want to be active,hold the guild,recruting members,participate at events,vote and you can't be online 5days,2weeks,1 month etc... you can choose a pilot and he will be sitting just on your account,if he hacks your account ,the GM's will know the ip/account and is non-sense if the pilot steal your items/account because he will be caugh verry fast xD .Then the pilot will be banned for 1 month and the owner recover the items/account
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