[Suggestion] /reset and /add system.

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New member
September 12th , 2012
Reaction score
Hello! i wanna ask if RESiSTANT can do it:

Enable the command /reset and /add ingame.

It is actually very annoying every time we reset, we need to leave the game, go to the page, reset, add the points, go back to the game. and repeat the whole process.

i think i'm not the only player who thinks this.

Thanks in advance.
Infinity had removed a lot of things due to players abusing it and use it as bugs.
Until the Infinity Staff Team resolved this problem I think it will be added back.

Nice suggestion though. +1
we already have this features before... since players abuse the commands and use it as bug. They removed it. just like the /move command they use it to make dupe!!! anyway without the /add and /reset in game. players are required to go in website. and they can see the vote button so they will be reminded to vote!!! :emotic1:
To answer your question, YES RESi can enable /reset and /add commands in a jiffy but the question is if RESi is willing to enable it again.
For some reason some players abused those commands, the only option available was to disable those commands.

I really think that he will NOT re-apply those commands although nice suggestion +1 from me...
It is tiring to keep exiting game and reseting... (good)

Good Luck with this suggestion
we already have this features before... since players abuse the commands and use it as bug. They removed it. just like the /move command they use it to make dupe!!! anyway without the /add and /reset in game. players are required to go in website. and they can see the vote button so they will be reminded to vote!!! :emotic1:

Do not respond the same what another has said.

1 - Any person who is interested in donating for credits, need chack page.

2 - Anyone who registers on this server know that you can vote.

3 - When you are in the game, him stay saying "Vote and get reward" (in really don't remember what sayd, but this how this).
yeah some chars really need it, for example, dark lords/lord emperors, in site we dont have add stats for command XD
yeah some chars really need it, for example, dark lords/lord emperors, in site we dont have add stats for command XD

you're wrong, you just need make your 3rd quest to change DL to LE. and you will can add your points in command ;)!
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