This suggestion is not suitable here,as Sava explained the market has already brought up a prize for 1 pack of soul which is 1 win acc,which is normal and makes the reason for hunting sols bigger.Letting a third party program,even if it's Auto loot be used to collect sols,the market will become unstable,sols will become unwanted,thus ruining a part of the thrill.All 3rd party programs used as an advantage,even if you think it's harmless it is not,it will harm one of the biggest part of the our server - the market,and a lot of players will go berserk.Please understand that balance must always be preserved,otherwise we will become witnesses to chaos and negative opinions.All those years Venci and all the staff members have tried to bring balance.Don't let it be ruined with stuff like this and these auto programs,enjoy the thrill of the game and be like the rest of the players.I disagree.