[Suggestion]Two CS

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Well-known member
June 6th , 2011
Reaction score
In your Heart
i just think of this!!! because we have different timeline!!!
i suggest to have Two CS in a day!!! the original CS is every 1:00 AM dawn +8GMT philippine time,,
so i think of making server 6 CS server which is the CS in every 1:00PM afternoon +8GMT philippine time!!

the reason for this is because other filipino players cant make it on the 1:00 AM because most of us is only playing in an internet cafe!!!

since we have two CS, there will be two owner!! the night owner and the day owner!! and this makes the CS more challenging defend the night and defend the day!!!! and its more fun if we have different owner in night and different owner in day!!
server 5 CS owner can only hunt in LOT server5,, and server 6 CS owner can only hunt in LOT server 6..
thanks guys!! this is for our server!!
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if we change the time sched it will look unfair for the other country!! so lets make it two!!! hehehe to make it fair!
As if..
Or! Why don't change the time of cs? If they start on 20:00 GMT+2 , why is don't change to one hour more accessible for everyone?

Like 15:00 or 16:00 GMT+2 .
Time change would help on this.. But what you're saying is not a good idea.. CS owner is one, that would be a joke if there is night owner,and day owner. Just change the CS time, make it some hours before.
CS Time Adjustment would be better in my Point of View, As we've seen. When the time of CS reached 2-4am GMT+8(Phillipines Time) Lesser players joined the CS. But Nevertheless, This is also a good suggestion.
Yes a time change can do, but I also agree with Fengshen's suggestion, I think it would be more fun if there will be 2 cs.
2 cs=many cheater and we need many GM :D
FengShen, I have enough experience in MuOnline, I mean I played too many mu online Servers from 2003 - till today. And I never saw two CS in any server. And I don`t think that this one is possible...
FengShen, I have enough experience in MuOnline, I mean I played too many mu online Servers from 2003 - till today. And I never saw two CS in any server. And I don`t think that this one is possible...

indeed what a very intelligent response to this thread....
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