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idk why you should buy full stats , because you can use transfer system :) , and you can buy resets from webshop
Ya. Me myself is lazy to do that thing now. But It's the best part of playing MU.
About your suggestion it's not a bad idea, but let's wait for the Staffs reply about this suggestion.
It's okay for me to have that option in web shop or not. :D
Then that's their problem. I prefer what InfinityMU has or what it is right now. It'll be boring if we're going to add those. No thrill, no fun. I disagree with that suggestion. :)
Being lazy is their problem, getting reset and making full stats is more interesting, while you are getting reset and getting your stats to max you are more excited to make it full so you can join PK :) just my opinion.
They Becoming More LAZY if we will do this.
disagree with the suggestion. soon with the lazyness of the peoples will be deleted the originality of the Mu Online, the activities why we started to play, the lvling up, to earn grand resets to get credits.
I disagree, whats the sense of mobs (Monsters) if you can purchase max stats? whats the point of reset, if you can buy grand reset. I just think that this is crazy. However it could be like 10,000 Gold Credits for full max stats and this is an insane idea.. XD
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