Banned Forum Acc (T)eamOne

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March 10th , 2018
Reaction score
Forum account: (T)eamOne;
Duration: 5 days;
Reason: Spam, 6th offense;
Proof: previous ban and this and this.

7. Spamming.
Please make sure that you are posting for the good of the community, not just for the sake of self-promotion. Our Moderators reserve the right to edit any posts they consider to be "SPAM". (Our GMs can also edit the "SPAM" posts). The minimum post size should have 10 words. In general, try and add something to the topic besides "I agree" or something like "Cool, nice video/signature/idea". Spam posts are considered posts like "Thanks for sharing!" "Cool screenshot, bro!" "Haha, LOL!". Mostly every post that can easily be replaced with using the Thank you Button or the Emoji buttons is a spam post. We recommend you use Thank you or emoji buttons instead of posting just that.

• Penalty:
- 1st = Friendly warning (post in Notes on User's Profile);
- 2nd = Warning;
- 3rd = 24 hours ban;
- 4th = 3 days ban;
- 5th = 5 days ban;
After 5th ban the ban time is always 5 days in forum and Permanent in ShoutBox.
I have a very hard time figuring out how do you post another staff application after your previous one was simply denied. And on top of that you copy-paste the info a staff member wrote in order to get accepted. Copy-paste application. We had that before and that user got perma banned from forum. I see you're going in the same direction.
Please read and follow the Forum Rules:
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