Everyone must follow this format in our
Market Place, users that don't follow this format will receive Infraction.
- You need to use this Format on the thread's title:
[Buy] Item Name (Character Name)
[Sell] Item Name (Character Name)
[Trade] Item Name (Character Name)
[Store] (Character Name)
- You don't have to include all your character names, only the character you're online the most. Use the "[Store]" title if you Buy/Sell/Trade lots of items and from different categories.
- You may not spam or write off-topic in other people's market threads. You can only post things related to the title.
- Users who want to trade Winds/Draconites/Credits/Uber accessories/Uber Sets need to read the BTA Rules especially the BTA Rules Update before writing their market thread.
PS: When you bought/sold what you wanted please reply in your thread and request our mods to close it so we'll move it to right section faster to prevent spams!
Thank You,
The InfinityMU Team