Hello dear community of InfinityMU,
I am here today writing this application for the first time in my life and I am feeling a bit nervous, so excuse me if at times my sentences are too long, illogical or if sometimes i go off topic.
My real name is Hristina Atanasova, I am 20 years old and i was born in Bulgaria. Currently i live in Madrid, Spain. In real life i am a law student and i work as an English teacher. I speak fluently 3 languages - Bulgarian(native), English(CAE certificate with B note) and Spanish(fluently as i live in Spain) and Russian as well, but not as fluently and good as the first three.
I joined in this server (the first and last one i have ever played) in June 2012 after my best friend told me about this interesting game with items and characters, then i decided to try it and here i am now.
I became Supporter on the 19/09/2013 and about 40-50 days later I can say that I have learned so much, the experience I had before has managed to grow up a lot and also my knowledge about how to distinguish different types of cheats, what are the most common problems that can happen in-game and forum and I have made sure I am well prepared to be able to answer all of them. I believe that I grew up a lot as a person and as an Infinitian for this time and I also believe i can be more useful, if my application gets accepted.
I won't make a big list of qualities that i think i have, because i believe that one shouldn't speak about himself, but let other people judge and tell him how he shows himself to the world. I will just add that I am an ambitious person and my ambition here is to help and contribute so that the server can continue to be as good and grow even more. I am very logical person, for me things always have motive and nothing is done just like that. I love psychology, it taught me to understand people and being a law student should tell you that law and rules attract me, I believe they must be followed as given. But i am also not an iron super serious person, as i love to have fun, especially in InfinityMU.
I have never been Game Master in another servers before, since i have never played.
I don't want to make any promises to you like candidates do before elections, I can only improve and become better, so your helps/needs/requests/problems can be proceeded faster from my side and i can be more effective in them. I am, was and will be the same person as always, only with more responsabilities that I would gladly love to have.
About my activity, I always spend a lot of time in game and forum, I even check it on my phone when i go to work (i work 1-2 hours daily,not full time job)
Please leave me your opinion and I don't ask you to be kind, i appreciate good critisim a lot, because it shows me where i have to improve and give more. Also, if you have any questions or want any clarification about something, please feel free to ask.
For feedback you can check here
Thank you for your time and attention in reading this application and I am sorry if it is too long but these words were on my heart and i just wrote them.
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