1. Name: Olivia Napatal
2. Age: 19 years old.
3. Sex: Female
4. Place of residence and GMThilippines, GMT+8.
5. Languages (list them from most fluent to least): English and Tagalog.
6. Do you know how to moderate vBulletin forums? Yes, i know how to moderate vBulletin forums.
7. Are you moderator to other forum/server right now? Nope i'm not.I'm loyal to my home server which is InfinityMU Community Forums.
8. Why do you want to become a moderator? What strengths do you posses that will help you fulfill you job? I want to experience how to be a moderator specially to me home server which is InfinityMU Online Community Forums.I think my age is already qualify to be a moderator also my english is well and i have general knowledge in-game.I have lots of courage/endeavor posses me that will help to fulfill my job as a moderator.
9. Why should we choose you over other candidates?
I have some helpful and useful ideas/suggestions that can help to improve our community more than we have now.
10. Anything else we should know?
I am willing to help and to serve my home server without being paid(free service).In small way i already help my home server.I will do my best to be a good moderator to everyone.Expect me to be more active, helpful, friendly, obedient and kind to everyone.
What about my request area? Don't worry i will keep open my request area and continue helping gfx team by granting forum members request at the same time.
Not helping answering questions? well i don't have enough time answering questions right now since i do have lots of jobs to be done as gfx team leader than answering questions, but if you will give me a chance to be a moderator i promise i will answer questions as long as i know the questions they've ask.
Low activity? well i mean it that i have low activity since my hobby is not spamming/trolling inside the forum lol ...
Hope you will approve my application since i saw 2 moderator has been down from there position.
Thank you and More power!
2. Age: 19 years old.
3. Sex: Female
4. Place of residence and GMThilippines, GMT+8.
5. Languages (list them from most fluent to least): English and Tagalog.
6. Do you know how to moderate vBulletin forums? Yes, i know how to moderate vBulletin forums.
7. Are you moderator to other forum/server right now? Nope i'm not.I'm loyal to my home server which is InfinityMU Community Forums.
8. Why do you want to become a moderator? What strengths do you posses that will help you fulfill you job? I want to experience how to be a moderator specially to me home server which is InfinityMU Online Community Forums.I think my age is already qualify to be a moderator also my english is well and i have general knowledge in-game.I have lots of courage/endeavor posses me that will help to fulfill my job as a moderator.
9. Why should we choose you over other candidates?
I have some helpful and useful ideas/suggestions that can help to improve our community more than we have now.
10. Anything else we should know?
I am willing to help and to serve my home server without being paid(free service).In small way i already help my home server.I will do my best to be a good moderator to everyone.Expect me to be more active, helpful, friendly, obedient and kind to everyone.
What about my request area? Don't worry i will keep open my request area and continue helping gfx team by granting forum members request at the same time.
Not helping answering questions? well i don't have enough time answering questions right now since i do have lots of jobs to be done as gfx team leader than answering questions, but if you will give me a chance to be a moderator i promise i will answer questions as long as i know the questions they've ask.
Low activity? well i mean it that i have low activity since my hobby is not spamming/trolling inside the forum lol ...
Hope you will approve my application since i saw 2 moderator has been down from there position.
Thank you and More power!