Personal information :
Name: Claudia Nohemy
Age: 21 (15 April It is my birthday)
Gender: Famale
Location: Latin america
Country: Colombia
Time Zone : GMT+5
Languages: English/Spanish/Tagalog(I am learning)
Because I want to be Test Moderator?
Would like to help to
I am loyal to my server
I am active
I am a very helpful girl
I am a friendly person
I am honest
I am responsible for
I have experience in games and forums
I am very hard with my work
Because you should be Test Moderator?
Because I would be more active in my job
Because you never forgive
people who break the rules of the Forum.
How long this connected to the server and the game?
In the game : 2-3Hours
In forum : 4-5 Hours
Additional Information
I am on the server
for a long time
but I like more the Forum
Here is the community
I have much fun
If I approve
Not fail in my work.
Thanks for See it .
Sorry for my activity
and my levels
my account
But at this time it is been working
but now I enjoy my vacation.
I have much time to improve everything.